Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Bombay High Court on Thursday denied bail to Shree Jogdhankar, an accused in the murder of Jhanvi Kukreja, who was found dead in a building in Khar on New Year s Eve last year. India News | MH-HC-NEW YEAR S EVE MURDER Jhanvi Kukreja Murder Case: HC Denies Bail to Accused Shree Jogdhankar.
Get latest articles and stories on World at LatestLY. The Arctic is heating up more than four times faster than the rate of global warming, according to a new analysis of observed temperatures. World News | Arctic Heating Up Four Times Faster Than Global Warming: Study.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Not only big companies such as Samsung, LG and Kia, but some newly-born South Korean start-ups like PUBG maker Krafton will be eager to invest in India and cooperate with Indian companies, Ambassador of South Korea to India Chang Jae-bok said on Thursday. India News | Start-ups Like Krafton Will Be Eager to Invest in India: South Korean Ambassador.
The two Prime Ministers famously pledged to achieve a “quantum leap” in the bilateral relationship as they clinched an “Enhanced Trade Partnership” as part of the 2030 UK-India Roadmap in May last year, with the aim of at least doubling bilateral trade by 2030 from around GBP 24 billion. Boris Johnson Resigns: Cheerleader Set India-UK Partnership on Comprehensive Course.