i want to ask you questions about labor day weekend, 2021. do you remember being confronted by your law firm? sure, i do. what were you confronted about? stealing money. did you admit your misconduct to your law partners? well, to one of my law partners and one of and my brother and my law partner, danny and randy. yeah. they learned about a fake forge account. you amid the fake forge account? yes. i did. did you tell them about your opioid struggles? i told them about my addiction, yes, sir.
0 was doing it and i had that document prepared, handwritten in the neatest handwriting that i could make because a secretary other than mine, a paralegal other than mine was going to be the person who was going to put those that financial information into the final document. and that s the document that mark ball talked about that he found on my desk whenever it was that he found it. so that is what was going to be, if necessary, what was going to be used thursday. the jury has heard about testimony of you stealing client funds. did you do that? i did. did you steal or divert that fee away from the law firm? i did. how did you get in such a financial predicament that led you to steal money that wasn t yours? you know, i m not quite sure how i let myself get where i got. it came from i battled that addiction for so many years. i was spending so much money on pills. i got in a spot i couldn t what type of addiction are you referring to? my addiction is to opiate pain