Google is still trying to figure out the date for the formal launch of Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro in India. Google Pixel 6 mobile was launched on 19th October 2021 and is now being sold out on the Amazon India website. The phones are launched in Sorta Seafoam and Stormy Black colours. The Google Pixel 6 is being sold at Rs 44,444 on Amazon for the 8GB+128GB storage variant and
Both the models have a 50MP primary camera and a new 1/1.3 inch sensor on the back. This primary sensor can capture up to 150 per cent more light, compared to Pixel 5’s primary camera.
In India, the iPhone 13 mini starts at Rs 69,900 while as for Pixel 6, there are no details on its release in the country yet. Now that the Pixel 6 is finally official, let’s take a quick look at how the new Google device compares with Apple’s latest iPhone 13 mini.
Google Pixel 6, Pixel 6 Pro will finally be unwrapped at the Pixel Fall launch event on Tuesday. The launch of the new flagship lineup is scheduled at 10 AM PT (10:30 PM IST), just a day following Apple Unleashed event where the tech giant showcased its redesigned MacBook Pro lineup, and AirPods 3. Pixel 6 Pro, Pixel 6 expected price in India, specifications, features.
Check Google Pixel 6 best price as on 20th October 2021. See full specifications, expert reviews, user ratings, and more. Compare Google Pixel 6 prices before buying online.