Google is still trying to figure out the date for the formal launch of Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro in India. Google Pixel 6 mobile was launched on 19th October 2021 and is now being sold out on the Amazon India website. The phones are launched in Sorta Seafoam and Stormy Black colours. The Google Pixel 6 is being sold at Rs 44,444 on Amazon for the 8GB+128GB storage variant and
Google has scheduled the launch event today at 10:30 PM IST. The company is going to launch the new Google Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro smartphones along with the Pixel Stand 2 wireless charger that could be priced at $79 which is roughly Rs 6,000 in Indian Currency. The launch event will be live streamed on YouTube at 10:30 PM IST.
Check Google Pixel 6 best price as on 20th October 2021. See full specifications, expert reviews, user ratings, and more. Compare Google Pixel 6 prices before buying online.
Ahead of the Pixel 6 series launch, a German retailer Saturn reveals some of the key details including the pricing and specifications. The listing also shows information related to benefits available on pre-order.