The Congress filed an official complaint at Tughlak Road Police Station, New Delhi on Wednesday against the police action at Congress headquarters yesterday. The party, in a statement, said they presented "a detailed written complaint highlighting the brazen and illegal actions of officials of the Delhi police in entering and attacking workers of the INC, without provocation, at 24 Akbar Road." Congress Lok Sabha MPs will hold a meeting to discuss the matter at 9.30 am in party office at Parliament House today. According to sources, a delegation led by Congress floor Leader Adir Rajan Chowdary will meet the Speaker at 10 am. Meanwhile, slamming Delhi Police for allegedly entering its national headquarters, Assam Congress President Bhupen Kumar Borah said all state Congress parties across the country will hold demonstrations in front of Raj Bhawans today at 11 am.
Rahul Gandhi ED questioning Day 3 LIVE Updates: Rahul Gandhi was questioned by the ED for over 10 hours on Tuesday, the second day of his appearance in the National Herald money-laundering case. He is all set to depose before the federal probe agency again today, June 15. Hundreds of Congress workers in Delhi took to the streets and several senior leaders were detained as they protested against the summons to Rahul and Sonia Gandhi in what the party alleges is a false case. Stay with for LIVE Updates on the Rahul Gandhi ED case.