OnePlus Open, the brand s debut foldable phone, is now available in India at Rs 1,39,999. Sporting a vivid 7.82-inch AMOLED display and Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor, the device promises seamless performance.
OnePlus Open is available in two colours: Emerald dusk and Voyager black. It sports a massive 16 GB RAM for seamless multifunction and a storage of 512 GB to fill up with memories, moments and entertainment.
Chinese smartphone maker OnePlus has launched its first foldable smartphone, the OnePlus Open, in the Indian market. The device features a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, a 7.82-inch Flexi-fluid AMOLED primary display, and a Hasselblad-branded triple camera setup.