Soon after the OnePlus 10 Pro 5G in India was announced, the OnePlus 9 Pro 5G got a price cut. This is the second time in a week the phone got a price cut.
The OnePlus 9 Pro is still a pretty good 5G smartphone that you can buy in 2022. The device is available at a discounted price on Amazon, just ahead of the OnePlus 10 Pro India launch, which will take place on March 31.
वनप्लस 9 प्रो का स्क्रीन साइज 6.7 इंच है और वजन लगभग 197 ग्राम है। यह मोबाइल एंड्रॉयड ओएस, वी11 पर चलता है और इसका रेज़ल्यूशन 1440 x 3200 पिक्सल है। इसका डाइमेंशन 163.2 एमएम, 8.7 एमएम, 73.6 एमएम है।
Almost a week after OnePlus rolled out OxygenOS 12 update, it is pulling the plug on its Android 12 update owing to various bugs plaguing the platform.