It’s nine years of the Narendra Modi government and during his time in office, the PM has endeavoured to move away from India’s colonial past. Today, India has a new Parliament building, Rajpath has been renamed Kartavya Path, a statue of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose stands tall under the canopy at India Gate
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has redefined foreign diplomacy during his nine years in power. He has many firsts to his credit, visiting nations no Indian premier has gone to before and forging stronger ties with leaders the world over
On May 30, 2023, the BJP-led central government will complete nine whole years of having won a decisive win in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, , Nine years of Modi Govt, Modi@9, narendra modi
It looks like a New India under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The country just got a new Parliament building and it boasts the world’s tallest statue, the Statue of Unity; Bogibeel Bridge, India’s longest rail-cum-road bridge, among others. There’s more to come including the grand Ram Mandir in Ayodhya