and a new shirt and a pair of devil sticks. oh, no! he s an occupy wall street protester, trespassing land that doesn t belong to him! why do they get to take over a park and sleep on the street. now, that s how you deal with a protester that votes differently than you. how is hannity on this issue? i have cattle and i have people that graze on my land. grazing fees are normal, and you stopped paying them. there are some people that would say you are, and if i may quote, a welfare rancher. . sean hannity has now made glenn beck the voice of reason.
in this country that doesn t want to help out the down trodden, that complains about the possibility of a wage increase, yet wants to cut the food stamp program, where s that going to leave us? that s their remedy for the vulture chart? joining me now is our rapid response panel, mike pappen anton antonio, occupy wall street protester, jesse lagreca. good to have you with us tonight. all we re looking for is a remedy here. what turns this around? what do the republicans have that would turn this around for the middle class? doesn t even care about the middle class. and i guess my question to you, mike, what do we have to do, or what could be done to motivate corporations to really reinvest in our work force and turn this wage depression around? ed, i think that the answer is with what obama has already started doing. timing is everything in a speech like the one that obama gave. while hasselbeck and stossel,
panel, occupy wall street protester, jesse lagreca, and stephanie miller and mike pap antonio. mike, you first tonight. they re resorting to constant lies, cherry picking words from even organizations like consumer reports. how desperate are they? et cetera desperate to create drama, especially sean hannity. when you don t have substance, when your ratings are tanking, you great as much drama as possible, no matter how outrageous your statements are. you start playing to the honey boo-boo crowd, the lowest hanging fruit available. even roger ails has figured out that storage wars has higher ratings than sean hannity so someone is advising him, you have to say this crazy stuff. his ratings have dropped 35% throughout the year. his post o reilly position oh, riley goes on the air, has a huge market, he goes on the air and loses 50% of the o reilly
go to work. folks, in my opinion, it s a very sad day when elected officials put a pr stunt and advance their own celebrity ahead of the needs of their constituents. talk is and cheap and the american people know that. i d ideologues don t put food on the table. michele bachmann has done nothing for jobs and neither have the republicans. joining me, holland cook, stephanie miller host of the stephanie miller radio show, and occupy wall street protester, jesse lagreka, whose wife is in our green room, about ready to deliver a baby. but the show must go on. jesse, congratulations before it happens. all right. holland cook, let me ask, is michele bachmann just being propped up by right wing radio? she is just a product of their environment and she is really a tool for these psychos? i think she s going to
are we ripping the scab off the republicans? is there really a heart underneath that shirt, cantor? no. it s all optics. it s all fun and games to them. and it s all trying to win in the arena of public opinion where they are losing. joining me now, our rapid response panel, mike pap antonio, stephanie miller and occupy wall street protester, jesse le greka. jesse, you first tonight. we ve seen this song and dance before, haven t we? now they re at def con 5. absolutely. the republican party is stuck on stupid. and guess what, fox news, you built that. because it s like the mitt romney campaign never ended and i have to watch ted cruz talk to an empty chair for 21 hours straight. so the republican party s strategy is basically to make my life harder and then expect me to vote for them. it s like they burned my house down and then waited for the fire department to show up smelling like gasoline to tell me that obama did it.