shared prosperity. stop blaming job oh creators. shared responsibility. we are living in the world occupy made. it s all of our jobs protect the first amendment. and to honor a movement of meaningful, heart felt movement that is speaking to what people are feeling all over this country. yes, many liberals saw this week s inauguration of bill de blasio as an echo of occupy wall street, the battle of new york s billionaire mayor as a symbol of the unholy fusion of the agenda and government power. he was one who took sides with the protesters and that group included jesse lagreca who protested for several weeks, sometimes sleeping overnight and con celled. james peterson joins us, msnbc contributor, and director of africana studies at lehigh university. and national political reporter. welcome to you all. let me start with you.
es an aide to hillary clinton and the former president there giving a blessing while also trying to clearly praise mayor bloomberg, which was not something that many of the other folks talking about the 99% did at that inauguration. we re going to keep an eye on it all. professor james peterson, jesse lagreca, thank you all. coming up, a brief respite from the cold. we will head to a paradise about to be lost for the president as the vacation glowing, you know, sets in and the work of washington beckons. [ male announcer ] this is kevin.
blame it on obama and move back to complain about obama care. to me if working class people aren t fighting, we re going to lose. and that makes it that much more important for us to fight. jesse lagreca, mike papantonio, thanks for being with us tonight. coming up, ohio republicans are trying to turn the state red by blocking progressive voters. their game plan, next. stay with us. clients are always learning more to make their money do more. (ann) to help me plan my next move, i take scottrade s free, in-branch seminars. plus, their live webinars. i use daily market commentary to improve my strategy. and my local scottrade office guides my learning every step of the way. because they know i don t trade like everybody. i trade like me. i m with scottrade. (announcer) ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates.
it s the discussions that obama is putting on the table. hell, it s the discussion that the pope put on the table. and right now exactly. the trick is now they don t like the pope anymore! well, you know, it is what you would expect. but the problem is, the deck is stacked very much in favor of the wall street republicans. because the average person simply doesn t have the after ainfluence or influence. jesse lagreca, the protests yesterday. what s going to be done, what impact did it have? i look at it, they didn t have think tanks to go out there. it wasn t like msnbc was running info meshls the way fox news with the tea party. people care about this because it s a problem. until the problem is addressed, there needs to be pressure in the streets. during occupy wall street, that s what the whole thing was about. what i laugh at, the republican party has kind of taken that message and turned it on its head. instead of doing something, the plan is switch and moan.
can t get the jeannie back into the bottle. the president knows this. and the president is trying to do something about it. but he has no congressional help whatsoever from the object strokters. i ve said this before. i believe that the american people mentally, they re not in the library. they re in the street. we saw it yesterday. jesse lagreca, you have been in the street. and the question is, the president is harnessed on this issue. he is harnessed. not much he can do. what can be done as the president than to just go out and talk about it and motivate people, jesse? well, you would wish that the president could do more to elect politicians that would actually do something on behalf of the 99%. he doesn t have that power. so i thinkit smart politics for him to raise a ruckus over this. the other side of the aisle has no interest in helping working class people whatsoever. we are living in the matrix. and instead of being a battery, they want to turn you into an overdrawn check