The officials said General Pande visited Dhera Ki Gali and reviewed the anti-terrorist operation going on in Surankote and nearby Rajouri district s Thanamandi forest belt for the last five days to neutralise the terrorists behind the dastardly attack that left four soldiers dead. The Army chief later flew to the 25 Infantry division headquarters in Rajouri and was briefed by the commanders on the ground about the overall security situation, they said.
Army chief General Manoj Pande’s trip to the Jammu region comes days after a group of terrorists on Thursday ambushed an army convoy, killing four soldiers in Jammu’s Poonch | Latest News India
The safety and wellbeing of Australian defence personnel is Canberra's "utmost priority" and Australia expects all countries to operate militaries in a safe and professional manner, Foreign Minister Penny Wong said on Tuesday. Wong's comments came a week after an incident involving a Chinese warship and an Australian navy vessel in Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in which an Australian military diver was injured.