“It have real people, eh?”An awed expression followed that almost childlike query from chutney soca star Ravi B (Ravi Bissambhar) last Saturday night, at Tantra Terraces in Sangre Grande.Ravi, rushing
A rich home grown family legacy.That’s what three-time Chutney Soca Monarch Ravi B (Ravi Bissambhar) is bringing back to his hometown Sangre Grande next Saturday.Ravi B and his band Karma
MEH neighbour cussin me yuh mudda dis yuh mudda dat. How meh doggie get away and wanna bite up she cat. That provocative double entendre hook has catapulted Nigel Gobin
Chutney Soca Monarch (CSM) is set to make a colourful return to Skinner Park, San Fernando.Event creator, Southex CEO George Singh, says his team will be bringing something new to
The sentiments of that old adage were echoed repeatedly when a few prominent local entertainers shared their wishes, dreams and hopes for themselves and their beloved T&T in the coming