“It have real people, eh?”An awed expression followed that almost childlike query from chutney soca star Ravi B (Ravi Bissambhar) last Saturday night, at Tantra Terraces in Sangre Grande.Ravi, rushing
A rich home grown family legacy.That’s what three-time Chutney Soca Monarch Ravi B (Ravi Bissambhar) is bringing back to his hometown Sangre Grande next Saturday.Ravi B and his band Karma
The 2023 Fire Fire fete reboot will turn the traditional fete into a modern-day Fire Fest at the Fire Services Headquarters, Wrightson Road, Port of Spain. The "fireman" Bunji Garlin (Ian Alvarez) leads the musical charge with his wife, Fay Ann Lyons-Alvarez, and their Viking band. Preedy (Akeem Chance), Ricardo Drue, Viking Ding Dong (Andre