Industries Minister Uday Samant has announced an inquiry to determine if fugitive Nirav Modi is one of the landowners at a proposed industrial site in Maharashtra. BJP MLC Ram Shinde raised concerns about the ownership of the land, suggesting that people like Nirav Modi may have acquired it at cheaper rates and now want to sell it to the government at higher prices. NCP MLA Rohit Pawar had previously staged a sit-in demanding an industrial estate in his constituency. | Mumbai news
Maharashtra BJP MLC, Ram Shinde, has claimed that investors are buying land at "throwaway prices" from farmers in the Ahmednagar district, where a Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) is proposed to be set up. Shinde named one "Nirav Deepak Modi" as one of the buyers of the land and questioned whether the MIDC was being established for investors, farmers or the unemployed.