D. W. You know that seventy seven percent. Are younger than six of. Guts me and me and you. And you know what its time all voices. On the seventy seven percent to talk about the issues that. There is a plan to cut. The seventy seven percent this weekend on d w. In the one Nine Hundred Twenty s. The Russian Revolution and the Armenian Genocide led to millions of people being forced to leave their homelands to make it impossible for them to return to their
respective rulers revoke their citizenship on matters. Jurists introduced the term stateless to describe people who had been driven into permanent exile. Writer Vladimir Noble Cause himself one of those affected said it was as if they had dropped off the face of the planet over two Million People mainly russians and armenians were brutally up rooted in force to begin a new life elsewhere they dispersed to the four corners of the earth. But in spite of all their misfortune the stateless people were lucky enough to have a headstrong huma
many countries to close their borders stateless refugees were no longer welcome anywhere. in early one nine hundred thirty nine two hundred thousand people fled from franco s spain into france a country that had previously welcomed many russians and armenians but now friends decided to in turn them in camps on the border and the league of nations supported these measures thereby turning their back. next on the ideals for which for just months and had fought for so passionately. the passports bearing his name were still being granted but now only in isolated cases. in one thousand nine hundred five to league of nations was replaced by the united nations to address the scale of the refugee problem the un in one nine hundred fifty one adopted a new refugee convention based in large part on the original charter drafted by fritjof nuns.
to close their borders stateless refugees were no longer welcome anywhere. in early one nine hundred thirty nine two hundred thousand people fled from franco s spain into france a country that had previously welcomed many russians and armenians but now france decided to in turn them into camps on the border and the league of nations supported these measures thereby turning their back. next on the ideals for which for just months and had fought for so passionately. the passports bearing his name were still being granted but now only in isolated cases. in one thousand nine hundred five beleaguered nations was replaced by the united nations to address the scale of the refugee problem the un in one nine hundred fifty one adopted a new refugee convention based in large part on the original charter drafted by fritjof nuns.
these measures thereby turning their back. axon the ideals for which prejudged once and had fought for so passionately. the passports bearing his name were still being granted but now only in isolated cases. in one thousand nine hundred five beleaguered nations was replaced by the united nations to address the scale of the refugee problem the un in one nine hundred fifty one adopted a new refugee convention based in large part on the original charter drafted by fritjof nuns. young men while the russian and a million refugees remember months and differently and their memories of him differ
a success stars like milan or dietrich were among his first clients born in normandy as the son of an industrialist dual was not only an excellent sketcher interest micah also had a knack for successfully marketing his creations he designed a new collection for at least season and featured pair of jeans from the very start that way all those who couldn t afford his clothes could at least surround themselves with the scent of opulence. to your didn t hold back on fabric and sparkles after the great austere years of the second world war the will to do with thrilled by this return to luxury others criticized him as wasteful. the king of fashion loved the united kingdom including its food he had his first fashion show in london and nine hundred fifty one prince. says margaret was one of his clients her favorite gown bought for her twenty first birthday was by christian