Created in 1959 by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo, the beloved French comic series follows Asterix and Obelix and their antics in Gaul, an outpost of resistance against the Roman empire.
The hit animated series, a coming-of-age story that follows twenty-somethings Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen as they discover who they are, together, returns for a second season on May 25 at midnight ET/PT.
The original 3DCG animated preschool series, from Nickelodeon Animation, that marked the iconic Latina heroine’s return to the small screen, gets picked up for another season; Season 1 now streaming.
The 2023 Television Animation Agreement and the 2023 Basic Cable Animation Agreement will last three years and provide strong protections around the use of AI as well as a 7% wage increase that applies retroactively to July 1, 2023.