To covering live house coverage here on cspan as they gavel in eight bills today, including antilynching legislation. The speakr pro tempore the house will be in order. He prayer will be offere by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain onroy let us pray. Dear lord, we give you thanks foriving us another day. Use thismoment to be e reminded of your presence c1 tap the resoces needed by the members of this peos house to do their work as w as it upon those torn nation and upon the members of this assembly who struggle to see the shared hope for a Better Future in those withwhom they disagree. Fo many americans, the holy season of lent begins tomorrow d foreheads are marked this as men andwomen and as a reminder of your power to thrugh our failures all this day and through the week, may our representatives do teir best to find solutions to pressing issues facig our nation. Please hasten the day when justice and love shall dwell in the hearts of all peoples and rule the affairs of the nation
Were going to ask the members of the press to please part the center aisle so members can have access to the witnesses. The committees meeting today to receive testimony on global terrorism threats to the homeland part two. Good morning, the committee, as i indicated, is meeting to hear from four expert witnesses on where we are as of this date with threats to the homeland. This committee was created in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of september 11th, 2001. Since the establishment of the department of Homeland Security, the committee has focused on insuring the department is fulfilling its mission to secure the homeland. I take this responsibility seriously, as has every chairman of this committee. This is why its been the committees practice to hold a hearing to assess Global Threats to the homeland and evaluate the federal governments efforts to confront them. Congress and the American People deserve to hear about the threats we face directly from the official charge with ou
The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Correa mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass h. R. 3691. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 158, h. R. 3691, a bill to require the t. S. A. To develop a plan to ensure that t. S. A. Material disseminated in major airports can be better understood by more people accessing such airports, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from california, mr. Correa, and the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Green, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Correa. Mr. Correa thank you, mr. Speaker. I ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and and to heir remarks include extraneous material on this measure. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Correa thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield
That Homeland Security is having a hearing entitled combating Transnational Criminal Organization and turn over to our witnesses. Remember this subcommittee met with family members inside their communities that have lost a loved one to conventional. I criminal organizations. They have the written mexico and other places south of our southern border. We faced a lot of epidemics over the years. But this one is different and it requires a different more focused approach from this congress. Today were going to have the opportunity for a detailed discussion with officials from Homeland Security who play Critical Role in interrupting the flow of fentanyl into the United States. Specifically well talk about the cartels and gangs that deal death and trafficking firearms and drugs. Im from china produced for products laced with fentanyl. Largely happens in mexico Preparations Committee at large when you talk about here today. I released a set of suggestions yesterday the International Mail that
That Homeland Security is having a hearing entitled combating Transnational Criminal Organization and turn over to our witnesses. Remember this subcommittee met with family members inside their communities that have lost a loved one to conventional. I criminal organizations. They have the written mexico and other places south of our southern border. We faced a lot of epidemics over the years. But this one is different and it requires a different more focused approach from this congress. Today were going to have the opportunity for a detailed discussion with officials from Homeland Security who play Critical Role in interrupting the flow of fentanyl into the United States. Specifically well talk about the cartels and gangs that deal death and trafficking firearms and drugs. Im from china produced for products laced with fentanyl. Largely happens in mexico Preparations Committee at large when you talk about here today. I released a set of suggestions yesterday the International Mail that