Kamlesh Vyas, partner at Deloitte India said that the plan to set up more medical colleges by utilizing the existing hospital infrastructure under various departments is likely to address the challenge created by the non-availability of medical seats for many aspiring students. “This will enable some of the students who otherwise seek opportunities in other countries for medical education to study in India,” said Vyas.
The new guidelines direct coaching centres, among various things, not to enrol students below 16, not make misleading promises, not charge exorbitant fees, ensure mental welfare of students and have an exit policy for those wanting to leave a course midway.
Shiv Nadar University Indias youngest Institution of Eminence IoE successfully concluded the third edition of InQube a nationallevel business competition organized by its School of Management and Entrepreneurship.
Delhi NCR – Shiv Nadar University, India’s youngest Institution of Eminence (IoE), successfully concluded the third edition of InQube, a national-level business competition organized by its School of Management and Entrepreneurship. The team from Shi
The US is particularly attractive to Indian students due to its wide range of courses and universities, as well as the opportunity to work after graduation. Australia, which has shown interest in Indian students, could also gain significantly. However, some experts suggest that European universities could also benefit if they actively seek to leverage Indian talent.