The National Association for Healthcare Quality® (NAHQ) has announced its new board members and leadership positions: Patricia Resnik, MJ, MBA, RRT, FACHE, CPHQ, CHC, CHPC, as its 2024 president; April M. Taylor, MS, MHA, FACHE, CMQ/OE, CLSSBB, CPHQ, CPPS, as president-elect; Cathy Duquette, PhD, MBA, RN, NEA-BC, CPHQ, FNAHQ, as secretary/treasurer; and Sheranda Fesler, PhD, RN, RNC-NIC, NE-BC, CPHQ, CPPS, FNAHQ, as chair of the individual strategic advisory council.
Even though providers and payers don’t always get along, they need to come together now more than ever. In the post-pandemic landscape, the healthcare industry won’t be able to maintain care quality and protect patient access without strong collaboration between these two parties, health system leaders said during a virtual panel.
Discover how NAHQ s benchmarking resource helps health systems understand their total investments in quality and safety, and compare their investments to other
Scottsdale, AZ, Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Stephen Bishop, MBA, MS, MLS (ASCP), CPHQ, a healthcare consultant at Accumen Inc., was named Certified.
Allegiance Coal Limited (ASX:AHQ – Get Rating) insider Mark Gray sold 3,800,000 shares of Allegiance Coal stock in a transaction on Tuesday, June 7th. The stock was sold at an average price of A$0.50 ($0.36), for a total transaction of A$1,900,000.00 ($1,366,906.47). The company has a current ratio of 1.02, a quick ratio of 0.64 […]