LETTERS | Learn from Zim, Cyril 05 August 2021 Image: GCIS / ELMOND JIYANE
SA is the envy of many countries in Africa, with excellent infrastructure.
I am very disappointed that this beautiful and prosperous country is being ruined. South Africans should learn from the catastrophic failures of the Zimbabwean government. We do not want to South Africans crossing rivers with crocodiles, going to other countries looking for better opportunities like what happened to Zimbabweans.
President Cyril Ramaphosa should not be like the clueless and careless president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who failed to turn Zimbabwe into a prosperous and democratic country after ousting former president Robert Mugabe.
Billboard brass tacks The article "Councillor Raises Safety Fears over New Advertising Billboard's Construction" (DD May 26) refers. If only BCM spokesperson Samkelo Ngwenya was forced to leave his air-conditioned office before commenting to the media. In this case, his comments about the advertising billboard erected over Western Avenue on the way to Hemingways mall would likely have been very different.
LETTERS | Family Matters 13 May 2021 A reader reminds us that it is the duty of parents, families and communities to teach children the right way to love one another and live peacefully. Image: 123RF/ ARTIT OUBKAEW
I fully agree with the editorial High Time to Change the Way Boys are Brought Up in SA (DD May 12).
There is not much a government can do to control the behaviour of boys and men in their violent minds, killing anyone for that matter. The mind boggles to think that anyone can ever have such gruesome thoughts, let alone commit these heinous crimes.
Life sentences are handed down in our courts every day for murder and rape perpetrators, yet it does not seem to deter others.