Frequent and long power cuts in the scorching summer heat may reverse the gains secured by the AAP government by offering free of cost 300 power units per.
Two men posing as officers of CBI, NIA, and Customs, who had conned a retired Public Works Department official of Rs 30.5 lakh in a case of 'digital house arrest', have been arrested by Lucknow police's Cyber unit, the police said."The .
According to the police, the men are linked to Cambodian nationals and have duped more than Rs 1.5 crore from innocent people across India, the details of which are being ascertained.
The evening featured distinguished speakers, adding insightful perspectives on the future of security. Overall, the event was a resounding success, establishing itself as a benchmark for recognising and elevating the careers of young talents in the Indian security landscape, , Bw Security World, 40 under 40 awards