Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday laid down the steps taken by his government to boost employment in the country and said that every policy formulated in the last nine years has acted as a "door to generating employment" for the youth. Rozgar Mela 2023: PM Narendra Modi Says Government’s Every Policy Act As Door to Generating Employment.
So far, Modi has distributed appointment letters to 2.9 lakh persons and their numbers will go to 3.6 lakh after Tuesday s event. Besides these programmes, the prime minister has been part of several Rozgar Mela oganised by many states, mostly those ruled by the BJP and allies. Rozgar Mela 2023: PM Narendra Modi To Distribute About 71,000 Appointment Letters to New Recruits on May 16.
"Bharat s Renaissance" documentary is a reflection of this very idea. While our combined pride has rejuvenated us with a sense of belongingness especially over the last few years, it is imperative for the youth of today to fully understand the significance of the sacrifices of our freedom fighters and their honourable commemoration," sources say on the idea behind this series. Dharohar Bharat Ki : Doordarshan to Air Documentary in Two Parts on India s Glory Under PM Narendra Modi.