have changed one mind if they need to change to get this legislation passed. what do you expect to do that will change those miends that they have not? thank you so much for the invitation. we got to put the pressure. on there s so much focus on this infrastructure bill which is critically important, as well. but the democracy of this country, our democratic infrastructure matters, too. i m hopeful that with lawmakers from state legislatures coming across the country we can take the picture of the urgency to our democratic colleagues and push the white house to prioritize this issue, as well. you say push the white house to prioritize this. are you not satisfied with what you re seeing out of the white house? respectfully, i am not. you know, i know there are so many important issues right now. i mean, i am in florida where we are navigating, as you mentioned earlier, a huge spike in covid-19 cases, an eviction crisis, a governor that could care less. i realize that if we don t
early signs of dementia or some other cognitive problem. it s about a ten-minute exam. it s not very extensive. they describe you name, you identify animals. you draw a cube and a clock, and you recite as many words as you can in a minute. so, you know, again, the doctor said he scored a perfect score on that, 30 out of 30. that s a good sign, but it s a screening tool, anderson, it s not a diagnostic tool if you will for dementia. the doctor also reported that the president s cholesterol numbers have gone up over the past year. should that be cause for concern? well, yeah. i think so. keep in miends first of all he is on a cholesterol lowering medication. he has been on that medscation. his cholesterol numbers have gone up and pretty significantly. total cholesterol, 169 i believe is what it was a year ago. now it s 223. you get an idea despite the medications, it s gone up. we talk a lot about his diet and lack of exercise.
role to trying to discredit mueller. the long-term question in a lot of people s miends is what happens to mueller. are there going to be stirrings from this white house, trump in particular, to have mueller go away in the way that he made james comey go away. fire him? there have been some conversations. we had trump aides essentially on our air, trump friends say that this has been discussed. that trump was apparently talked out of it. but the problem that trump has is that he has no control over this. ho h he has no control over where this investigation goes. all he has is twitter essentially and to connect with his folks. laura, apparently rod rosenstein, the acting attorney general would be the one that would have to fire mueller. i don t think there s any reason to believe rosenstein will fire him. what the president could do is fire rosenstein and put someone else in place who might be open. i don t think of that is going
depression. there is no chance in hell that climate change is going to have any hope of passing before the november mid-terms. if they do it, they do it at their peril. i they they are on a suicide mission. megyn: how can kerry be turning to this when it was stalled in the senate for months. the senate hasn t shown any backbone to act on this. what makes him think now they will. i think he s out of his miends. what we need is jobs, jobs, jobs. perhaps we ought to get lady gaga to pen a song and send it to congress to get people focused on this issue. we need jobs. we have got to help out small businesses. and i think it is abundantly clear that the american people want, need deserve and expect movement on the jobs issue. we simply do not have time on the legislative calendar or the