Maria and our top story this hour 2020 democrats facing off on debate stage in charleston, candidates taking aim at frontrubber South Carolina days before South Carolina prime aye and less than a week before super tuesday, Hillary Vaughn with all the highlights, hillary. Good morning, maria, democrats on stage did not pull any punches, mayor Michael Bloomberg fended off attacks over billionaire status as painting status as unelectable and warren as mayor Pete Buttigieg drilled sanders over the math behind medicare for all. Elect bernie, bernie will lose to donald trump and donald trump and the house and the senate and some of the state houses will all go red. Mayor bloomberg has strong and enthusiastic base of support, the problem is they are all billionaires. Everybody in this room imagine moderate republicans going over and voting for him and you have to do that if you cant win. Aggressive agenda is popular, mayor bloomberg, he cannot eastern the trust of the core of the Democratic P
In the United States. Theres also an important people to people dimension to the relationship so i think the last figure i saw was 70,000 americans living and working in saudi arabia. At least 30,000 saudi students in the United States. This is a multidimensional relationship that only continues to grow and deepen over the years. In continuing to grow and to deepen going forward. Host a lot more to say but we are out of time. A spokesperson for the embassy of saudi arabia thanks so much for joining us. That is it for todays washington journal we are back again tomorrow morning 7 00 a. M. Eastern. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2024] house will be in order. The chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms. Washington, d. C. May 8, 2024. I hereby appoint the honorable michael cloud to ac
Campus Police Officer was in the area even responded quickly. University officials identify him as 28yearold allen for his quick, as and fbi joined the investigation and is word of attack spread this morning the university put out a series of tweets warning active shooter own campus that was initial alert and telling students to run, hide or fight and warning was prompt bid Police Gunfire not shots fired students were told to shelter in place and order was lifted 90 minutes after the attack and some of the tweets you can see coming through there this is a section of what students were up against barricade of chairs up against a door on campus and few other ones coming through tonight every College Student should sympathize with osu because it could be any one of our campuses. Lebron who was on the campus the day before for ohio state michigan game. Allow the tragedy to cultivate islam aphobia. The cause and motivation of the attack well keep you posted on the attack. Tony, over to you.
Between now and election day. The vast majority of voters we spoke to here in waukesha say they did tune in for last nights pres. Debate who makes the better candidate . I think hillary because she has more experience in politicssome say the debate solidified their support for Hillary Clinton. Others liked Donald Trumps performance. I think his business sense says a lot political scientist mordecai lee. A former Democratic State lawmaker. Doesnt think undecided voters last night he says they make up about 10 percent of wisconsins electorate. I was surprised how combative itwas lee says heated exchanges between clinton and trump might not sit well with those on the fence. There was a al risk last night that it would it turn people off he expects both campaigns to maintain a heavy presence in wisconsin for the next six weeks. And thinks a trump path to the white house runs through the badger state. Trump will night. Chelsea clinton is expected in wisconsin friday. If he has toin wi to be
The cover of timeagazine to president ial candidate vaulted him into the national spotlight, the impending abrupt halt in h political career, says lopez, is personal. Politics is the most personal thing you can experience in life. Your name is on the ballot. You go in to vote, you see it. And people are either accepting or rejecting you. It has to be personal. Senator rubio end his campaign with wins in minnesota, puerto rico, and also the district of columbia. Now, he heads back to washington and hell deal with matters like the Senate Confirmation hearings for the president S Supreme Court nominee. For impact, steve litz, nbc 6 news. And joining me now on impact to discuss rubio and all things 2016, mitt caesar and jessica fernandez, the president of the miami young republicans. Thank you for joinings here. It was a decisive victory for both trump and for hillary. Of course, marco rubio came up theloser, 19 Percentage Points it was a good day for trump, but great day for hillary. Lets