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Maria and our top story this hour 2020 democrats facing off on debate stage in charleston, candidates taking aim at frontrubber South Carolina days before South Carolina prime aye and less than a week before super tuesday, Hillary Vaughn with all the highlights, hillary. Good morning, maria, democrats on stage did not pull any punches, mayor Michael Bloomberg fended off attacks over billionaire status as painting status as unelectable and warren as mayor Pete Buttigieg drilled sanders over the math behind medicare for all. Elect bernie, bernie will lose to donald trump and donald trump and the house and the senate and some of the state houses will all go red. Mayor bloomberg has strong and enthusiastic base of support, the problem is they are all billionaires. Everybody in this room imagine moderate republicans going over and voting for him and you have to do that if you cant win. Aggressive agenda is popular, mayor bloomberg, he cannot eastern the trust of the core of the Democratic Party means, hes the riskiest candidate. Lets talk about being progressive. He said we should primary barack obama. Im hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight. [laughter] i wonder why. Pete mention what had the American People want. I will tell you, pete, what the American People want, joe, what the American People want, they dont want candidates to be running to billionaires for huge amounts of funding. I think we were talking about a math and doesnt take 2 hours to do the math. Lets talk about math. In the spin room last night Sanders Campaign says if sanders is the nominee they will not accept any money or help from mayor Mike Bloomberg even though bloomberg is offering billions to help whoever is the nominee to defeat donald trump. Maria he paid 100 million last year to help dems on that stage. Hiry vaughn in charleston this morning, joining the conversation senior fellow at Taxpayers Union and forward strategist Mattie Dupler and Dagen Mcdowell and Mitch Roschelle. Everybody was talking at once, the moderates couldnt get it under control and Elizabeth Warren got so much more time in my view as a viewer as anybody else. She kept interrupting everybody. She had the battery ram to hit mayor bloomberg over and over again. South carolina is coming up on saturday. Someone who had a good night was joe biden, somebody unplugged him and plugged him back n finally able to piece a sentence on stage, seemed like he might be alternative who are looking for a moderate in the race. This is Elizabeth Warrens problem, right, she has to differentiate herself from sanders because they the two most progressive people in the race and with sanders having commanding lead, i dont think he did that last night. She agreed with sanders on policy but we wanted to point out that he couldnt beat trump. Dagen she was on the stage to become Bernie Sanders running mate very clearly because anybody with even a smattering of experience in politics would say, okay, last time you attacked Michael Bloomberg and you came in, what, fourth in the nevada caucuses, you didnt make a dent and shes really not anywhere in some of the biggest states not just in South Carolina but on super tuesday as well, so why was she up there and by the way to any of those candidates, do you think that putting your hand in the air repeatedly makes you look president ial . Put your hand down. The biggest losers were the moderators, though. Maria i agree. Its not a chat fest, you to take control of the people, there were large chunks of the nights that sounded like maria you didnt hear anything because they were all screaming from each other. Dagen coming from somebody who has essentially done talk shows or panel shows for 20 years, somebody needs to be in charge, nobody was. Maria youre absolutely right. You said biden had a good night, even when he said why am i stopping, i think he stopped because he forgot what he was saying. Lets be clear the bar was very low for joe biden, earlier he said he was running for senate, history of misspeaking. My argument simply that South Carolina is joe bidens to lose and thats why the debate was so important for him last night, was to have at least a presence on the stage and he accomplished that last night. Dagen the presence on social media was a huge gaffe where he said that firearms have killed more than half of the u. S. Population since 2007. The number that he threw out was roughly half of the american population. Wild. Maria meanwhile weve got the next round, they are all going to be on the stage in terms of the next round and where this goes. When are people going to start dropping out . Last opportunity to make a point and thats why their teams were saying get your points in because if you dont do it you will get another chance. Thats a question for dnc, they changed debate rules so bloomberg can make it on the stage and the result is a chaotic event for all the people involved. Maria do you think bloomberg had a good night. Better than last time. Dagen the only way it could have been worse for him after the first debate, the only way it could be worse if he showed up wearing like a maga hat. Maria they didnt look president ial. I agree with you on that. Lets look at markets. Stocks took another dive, nasdaq down 9 points and s p down 4 and a quarter. Fears of the coronavirus spreading. On top of one thousand points the day before, 1. 7 trillion in market value lost Mitch Roschelle and this, of course, on the heels of cdc warning that the cdc is expecting a wider spread of this disease and i thought it was really worrisome when the cdc comes out with that statement and says its not a matter of if, its when it comes to the u. S. The fact that it could come here, will come here were largely unprepared. We have no ability to test, there arent enough masks, theres enough story out there to invoke more fear domestically and i think thats whats spooking markets. Maria we have other big stories this morning in the headlines. Dagen messaging is critical and with the department of Homeland Security acting head wolf embarrassed by senator kennedy, you better be careful and come prepared because yesterday that was a disaster. He could not answer basic questions about preparedness and about the disease, he didnt even know the mortality rate of its 2 for the coronavirus, he said thats about the same for influenza, no, its not. Its 0. 1 for the regular influenza. He did not even know that. You want to talk about tracking freaking people out the American People, you better be prepared and everybody who works for the president has to behold to the same standards. Maria a lot coming up this morning in the next area, among the top stories this morning, cdc says not if but when, the cdc issued dire warning about coronavirus and expects the virus to stretch reach into the United States and preparing for a possible pandemic, the federal agency calling on everybody to brace for the worse this as u. S. Soldier in south korea tested positive and now under quarantine, meanwhile San Francisco taking severe precautionary measures, declares state of emergency to speed up planning for coronavirus. Also in the news this Room Facebook totaling banning ads that promote cures for highly contagious illness, trying to stop fearmongering, summer olympics months away tokyo faces hard choices, looking at canceling the entire event if coronavirus is not contained by late may. Affecting 39 countries across the world as you can see there. Explosions lighting up the night sky over los angeles last night sparking massive fire that temporarily closed down the busy 405 freeway. Flames at marathon refinery carson visible for miles, the plant located north of long beach. Crews are working to contain the fire this morning, its not clear what triggered the blast. We will keep an eye on this situation all morning and bring you back there. Stepping aside meanwhile, stunning news for disney after more than 14 years as ceo running Disney Bob Igor moving over but still maintaining power at the house of move, bob, heads parks and resorts new ceo, this is Effective Immediately, igor will stay on as executive chairman when his contract expires. Igor reportedly said he was going to retire next year but one disney executive tells wall street journal no one knew this was coming. Amazon rolling out latest free go technology in seattle yesterday, first time being show cased in a large super market, replaces traditional cashiers with cameras, shelf centers and pick up groceries without stop to go pay. Entice businesses that would buy technology, the shares this morning are lower. We are just Getting Started this morning, coming up busy prom, disneys whole new World Without ceo bob igor, we are looking at the Company Shakeup at disney. Shimmering safety, investors rushing to gold amid coronavirus outbreak is this the way to go, the meatless meat craze continues. Its all right after the break, we will take a short break and then the coronavirus crisis. New warning from Health Officials by inevitable spread. How does one prepare for whats to come. Winter blasts, millions of americans braising as snow pushes east. Housing costs are on the rise, we will be right back after this break. Tto examine investmentgo opportunities firsthand, like innovations in agricultural research. Because your investments deserve the full story. T. Rowe price invest with confidence. Maria welcome back, the coronavirus outbreak, we will be speaking with leading Infectious Disease doctor momentarily from the may owe mayo clinic. I want to get the severity of cdc. Matie, the virus is circulating within local communities. This is the director at cdc, expecting a wider spread and the u. S. Should be preparing for a potential pandemic, translate this for us in your view. I found the cdc conference perplexing, the whole thing about talking about this to inform and prevent. There was a lot of knowledge being shared, it was a lot of i dont want to fearmongering but a lot of talk about why this could be a problem without a lot of sloughs and i think that right the real issue here for americans is what they can do to prevent the spread of not just coronavirus but the flu. Wash your hand, take precautions with your mouth. The things that we learned in kindergarten, Everyone Needs refresher. Maria yesterday fda came out said expect medical product shortages, as much as we want to say lets prepare, i dont know that we have the tools longerterm here for a true pandemic. Dagen we have the tips for washing your hands up, so you had the press conference, this is the front line, this is what you do, anthony was on with bret baier last night from National Institute of health, thats why you try to get out in front of it to make the population aware of coming here. We will do our level best to fight it and quite frankly the Trump Administration has been doing a lot quietly in terms of moving around for the last month or so that they have not gotten credit for and they did it quietly, declared alex azar of health and Human Services declared Public Health emergency at the beginning of this month and started shifting fund and started getting ready without alarming the public but its gotten to the point where italy and Community Spread in areas like that that they needed to come out and say, you need to be prepared. Maria dr. Poland will join us momentarily, one thing that he will say, not just washing your hands, critical things you just mentioned, you think its a simple thing and straightforward, its actually not because most people wash hands quickly and they dont actually do it effectively enough. Theres more than this, prescription drugs, have everything that you need should turn things negatively, mitch. Theyre not leaving the country, we are on the verge of a global shortage of those masks and the masks seem to be everybodys first line of defense when they travel or in crowds. Dagen they are not full proof. No, they are not. If you dont take with simplest precautions. Cdc should educate everyone responsible. Dagen on the flip side and if they didnt say and cases started popping up unexpectedly which is exactly what happened in italy, all of a sudden seemed like overnight, 11 cities underquarantine and venice carnival got canceled. Thats what they are trying to prevent in the quite. Maria before we take a break i want to look at markets because you have serious things happening with the market. 1. 7 trillion wiped out in the last two days. Can we look at the tenyear for a second because the top story of the journal this morning, the yield of the bench mark 10year treasury note fell to alltime low amid worries about coronavirus. This is the worry that coronavirus is going to seriously disrupt the global economy, we have rates moving even lower than before, quick broker and then we have dr. Poland on the line in the next block, we are staying on the coronavirus concerns, why one American City is under state of emergency coming up. Chaos in charlestons last night. We will recap all the highlights and low lights from yesterdays debate. Stay with us. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. How you watch it does too. Tv just keeps getting better. This is xfinity x1. Featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Streaming Services Without changing passwords and input. Live sports with realtime stats and scores. Access to the most 4k content. And your movies and shows to go. The best tv experience is the best tv value. Xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity. The future of awesome. And mine super soft . With the sleep number 360 smart bed, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. But can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. And snoring . No problem. And done. Will it help me keep up with him . Yep so, ill wake up ready for anything . Oh, weve got your back. So, you can really promise better sleep . Not promise. Prove. And now, save up to 600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. Only for a limited time. Maria welcome back, coronavirus outbreak has center for Disease Control warning americans to prepare for a crisis here in the United States. San francisco has declared a state of emergency over the coronavirus, even though tillness has not surfaced there yet. Joining us right now dr. Gregory poland, hes joining us on the television, director of Vaccine Research group at mayo clinic. Thank you so much for calling in this morning, great to have you here. My pleasure. Maria first of all, cdc is telling us to prepare for possible pandemic but remaining unsure how severe the Health Threat could be, what are the most important things we need to do to prepare for coronavirus coming . Yeah, i agree with the previous speaker the warning has gone out but not a lot of information, very important question that you ask, i think we have to look at at least 6 here, the first is individual, cdc is trying to signal, look, if this start circulating widespread in the Community Like weve seen in other areas of the world, you need to start thinking about things like how would you isolate somebody who is sick in your house, how are you going to care for one another, you have a 30day supply of your medication, that sort of thing, the next thing is schools and they did talk a little bit about teleclass, what about work, travel is going to be restricted. This is not the time to go on a cruise to korea or to china. How is it going affect manufacturing, fda, for example, has indicated theyre going to be disruptions and supplies, that includes a list theyve not released yet of 150 drugs that we have the ingredients to make for another couple of weeks and then and then we are out of them. Its going to affect hospitals, so its a signal to hospitals to get your supplies in order and inventory and states and community, we will need testing kit, we may even need to have at least initial points of care much like we saw the chinese do with converted gymnasiums or other portable structures, so theres a lot to think through here. Maria so lets go back to a couple of those things. In addition to washing your hands which we talked about when you joined us a couple of weeks ago when this first started, you said, look, youve got to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and weve got, you know, we wrote on the screen, sing happy birthday, get between fingertips and thumb, you need soap, otherwise with water it doesnt do anything, right . Exactly right. Maria turn water off with paper towel and use the paper towel to open the door when you leave the bathroom. Perfect. Thats exactly how you wash your hands and the other thing to neglect if your home, for example, how will you disinfect services, disinfectant wipes or Hand Sanitizer thats control base, covering your cough, at least in some areas of the u. S. Starting to get warmer. Windows and doors open to increase ventilation so youre not all sitting, breathing each others air. Those are important factors. Maria a minute ago you said, look, make sure you have prescription drugs, thats another worry for me because i know that 70 of generic prescription drugs are coming from china and and india. So are we absolutely. Maria are we in jeopardy of not being able to get the drugs, when you say presentation drugs make sure you that, should we be having stockpile of flu medicine . Yeah, i mean, thats a good question. I think what you do want to do is ensure that youre not going into this with a twoday supply of a critical medicine that you need, in terms of the over the counter flu medicine, most of them have not been shown to be very helpful, so im not too concerned about that. Tylenol might be a different story. Yes, you have to be prepared in that way. Maria what about mayo clinic and other hospitals, what you are you doing in terms of the shortages . I reported a couple of weeks ago that i was on the phone with leading official from one of the hospitals in new york and he said to me, look, we are just out of luck here because we were waiting on shipments for gloves and masks from china but china has told the ships turn around, we need the product here. Yeah. Maria what shortages are you facing and the hospital facing in terms of the general things that we may need like the plastic gloves. Yeah, i think the very large Hospital Systems are in pretty good stand. I think it is going to hit smaller hospitals particularly hard if those kinds of disruptions occur, so thats something we will have to watch. Maria and finally before you go, dr. Poland, let me ask you about a potential for cure or vaccine on the market, how long does it take to get a vaccine on the market in your view, weve been talking about scientists and regeneron in terms of testing, whats your expectation . One is to repurpose a currently licensed antiviral, those Clinical Trials started 3 to 4 days ago. The second is antibody to control the infection. Thats just starting and the third is the vaccine. The new drugs and the new vaccines, those are things that take a year or longer in order to go through the proper testing. The only way that wouldnt happen is if the president used emergency authorization provisions but that has not been done with the vaccine before. Maria there was a comment made yesterday once springtime comes around the worry about the virus goes down. Any change in weather that may very well be, you know, be something that stalls it . Yeah, its a very good question. With other respiratory viruses, what we know when people are not crowded in inside in dry, cold air, they tend to transmit less, so the warmer air, windows open, being outside, i think we will see cancellation of mass gathering events, all of these are going to be important in terms of preparing. Maria dr. Gregory poland, great to have you this morning, thank you very much. Thank you. Maria dr. Gregory poland Infectious Disease specialist at mayo clinic, a whole new World Without ceo bob igoer, shakeup at the company this morning. Meatless meat craze find out which companies are preparing for plantbase future all coming up. Plus more from the debate last night, stay with us. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Its surprising how the bigger a city gets. The smaller it starts to feel. Which makes it even more surprising, how big it feels in here. With sliding rear seats. And more available second row legroom than say. A chevy suburban. This is the completely reimagined 2020 ford escape. Maria welcome back, millions of the northeast bracing for severe Winter Weather this week. Cheryl with the details, cheryl. Cheryl slammed the plains making its way east, missouri to maine with snow, National Weather service issued Winter Weather advisory and winter storm watch for more than 25 Million People, chicago and detroit directly in the storms path. Expected to see 2 to 5inches of snow in the ground there. Michelle was facing nearly 2 years if prosecutors had their way, they claimed, of course, she only accepted responsibility after she was backed into a corner, prosecutors hit with Money Laundering conspiracy conspiracy charge which was added on for parents who did not quickly plead guilty, this may not bode well for lori loughlin. Well, two mayor Companies Adding plantbased items to the menu. Star backseat will offer beyond meat breakfast sandwich, the companys first move into the plantbased craze and then disney has named impossible burger as preferred plantbase burger at the companys parks an cruise lines. Of course, if youre disney you have a food and Wine Festival and sounds kind of fun. Maria cheryl, thank you. End of an era, bob iger stepping down as ceo effectively immediately, disney naming bob shapek, lets talk about this. Joining us Cfra Research media analyst, were you surprised as surprised as i was . This really came out of left field, maria, you know, i didnt see it coming for sure but this is something that we know that had been in the works for some time in terms of succession, planning and governance, you know, bob chapek is a guy that we know over the years, he seems to be effective and motivational leader. At the end of the day it came to bob chapek or while a lot of investors were hoping that kevin matt would get the job, i can definitely see why, you know, bob chapek makes sense having cut his teeth and having 22 months to loan the ropes. Maria i understand that bob chapek to be ceo, thats fine, just this six months ago bob iger told us he would stay next year, typically these things happen when theres a disagreement about the path forward for a company, is this do you think a deal is going to happen here, is this what why, why is is bob iger stepping down . I was reading the tealeaves too as to seemingly abrupt major announcement. That being said, i believe that time asking right. Theres really nothing else left for bob iger to prove here, the stock has quadrupled in 15 years hes been ceo. The fox integration is going on pretty seamlessly it seems and also the direct to consumer strategy has been well articulated and well bought by wall street and we saw how they did in disney plus service. Everything seems to fall in place. Its streaming. Thats how people know it. Should it be interpreted as look of confidence in streaming given that the guy who is running parts is now the person who is running operations . Maria such a good point that youre making. You have to remember theme parks, television, Consumer Products, all of the businesses are core to disneys future, right, even as all the talk and attention is going to direct to consumer, you to remember director consumer from profit undulose on loss perspective division. And while chapek still has a learning curve to climb having bob iger will ease transition. Dagen employees didnt find out about this in internal communications until after the announcement and they announced it on the day that the markets are in a tank. In terms of a company worried about its image, it is in the image business, this was that was not a good day. Maria why Effective Immediately. Thats why im scratching my head . Matie, you made a comment in commercial break, tuna, youre saying he doesnt have anything to prove at disney, does he want to prove anything else somewhere . My speculation he is running for president , he wrote a book last year, we saw debate stage, seem like theres an opening r as an independent. I wouldnt rule that out. The record that he has amassed i think really puts him in very good to pursue next phase of his career, whatever it is. The most important thing for investors right now is to get that resolution in terms of succession, planning, if you follow disney for a time, you know succession can at times be dramatic and governments, et cetera, having put some type of clarity to that, extremely important in the minds of investors. Dagen running for president this year because theres no pass, you compete unless you run as an independent or maria okay, but look, in charge of disney in an environment when streaming is the hottest thing thats happening right now. How come the person Running Stream asking not running disney . Disney plus, dagen, youve got it, youve got all of the services, its very much a family, you know, a family service, does it need more, is it competing effectively with netflix . I recognize as soon as it came on the board it was hugely successful, but is this part of cincinnati. Dagen you keep the guys Running Streaming in charge of streaming. I would say that and i think to the point youve made, hes managed many different lines i think its diversity of his experience that the board was comfortable with, left the person driving streaming drive streaming to profitable. I would point out steeper learning curve, with netflix and all others, relationships have become extremely important much more than chapek being exposed to other businesses, transitioning to streaming would be much easier learning curve for him. Maria before we go, the stock has had enormous run under bob igers leadership, tuna, would you buy the stock today . We recommend buy, big shoes to fill as we heard last night on the call. Maria we will leave it there, thank you so much, tuna. Tenth democratic debate went a little like this. Look, first of all [inaudible conversations] senator sanders my turn . Vice president biden. They dont want to be out there [inaudible conversations] maria it was a free for all, we have the highlights an the low lights right after the short break, futures pointing to now modest gain at the start of trading, volatile morning, dow industrials up 37 points, nasdaq up 43 and s p up about 10 minutes, we are back in 2minutes time. Sleep this amazing . Thats a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. Our liquid has a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no nextday grogginess. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. And when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. Thats why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. Talk, talk what i said is what barack obama said in terms of cuba. That cuba made progress on education. Whether it is the chinese or the cubans do something good, you acknowledge that. We will not win the critical, critical house and senate races if people in those races have to explain why the nominee of the Democratic Party is telling people to look at the bright side of the castro regime. We have to be a lot smarter maria quite a night, 2020 democratic nominee mayor Pete Buttigieg sounding the alarm and dangers of socialism, front runner Bernie Sanders coming under fire for praising communist regime in cuba. Joining Us House Financial Services Committee Member roger williams, congressman, thank you very much for being here. You will be speaking tomorrow at the conservative Political Action conference. The cpac, about the threat of socialism, i mean, Bernie Sanders complementing cuba and the way it approaches things and feddal castro, can you explain that . How do you see it . Well, i think the only way you can see it that bernie is a socialist. No way about it. That america would turn into a socialistic nation the not going to happen, risk and rewarded built the country, socialism, it can give you a job maybe but not net worth and bernie is on the wrong side and i think if he gets the nomination american wills have a great opportunity to decide which way they want to go with President Trump talking about capitalist and the free markets. Congressman, you sit on House Financial Services committee with social democrats notably congresswoman aoc, how do you talk to your colleagues about this issue, is there a conversation in the house that this is the way the country needs to move forward and what are House Republicans doing to combat the vision . Theres not much of the conversation because both sides are divided but we can as conservatives do explain capitalism. Capitalism is investing 100, losing 100, making 100. Capitalism creating net worth and gaining value and, of course, when we gain value like we are seeing now with the economy like it is, america gains value. Its a prey distinct vision whether you want to be venezuela, russia, or america, i think we have to do better and in talking about that to younger people, 18 to 29yearolds need to understand. They didnt grew up during the ussr, they didnt grow up seeing this, you raised a good point of venezuela, god example how socialism governs in a country, you have bread lines, people starving in the streets. How do we drive that contrast, though, you will doing the cpac this week for young people. Do you think its a miami that young people are receiving . I hope so. We cant give up on the young people. Throughout history its been said 18 to 29, you are kind of on the side of maybe free things on everything being average but when you get to be 30 you kind of wake up and say, well, im married. I have a family, i need to make some money, capitalism checks in. I think that the message needs to be that, again, like i say, socialism doesnt create net worth, create a job but capitalism does. Maria what should we think about the conditions of some of these candidates frankly. I mean, youve got a situation here where joe biden forgets what hes saying and last night i dont know if you caught that when he said why am i stopping, i think he was stopping because he forgot what he was saying and this is a very serious situation congressman, i know dagen, that joe biden has discussed in the past that he had a brain anurisms, do you believe that this should be disclosed as president ial candidate . Everyone wants the president to disclose his health, i think we need to know the health of those who want to be president , joe biden has forgot a lot of things, all of a sudden he turned hard left when in history he was standing in areas that we might agree with. So they are just trying to get elected to a group. Its not going to work. President trump will get his message out there and i think at the end of the day we will have 4 more years of great economy, low Interest Rates and opportunities for people to create net worth and jobs. Maria this is a really important point. I dont think that people understand that joe biden has a brain aneurysm. He was so close to death and a second aneurysm clipped and this was last year after he declared candidacy saying he was in god health. Bernie sanders has the same issue, he just had a heart attack. If he won the nomination he would be 79 inaugurated which is 2 years old older than ronald reagan, the oldest sitting president in american history, 2 years older when reagan left office. Its not age, these are just questions of health of somebody who was in late 70s. Maria and running for president , i think its extraordinary congressman what you just said that critics of the president are constantly asking him for medical records and meanwhile you have two president ial candidates here with questionable situations as dagen just said, Bernie Sanders had a heart attack and joe biden has two brain aneurysms. When you run for the president and the highest office of the land, the people should understand your capacities and we certainly know President Trumps capacities, so lets see what they come with and what they can offer. Maria congressman, thank you very much for weighing in on all of this. Always a pleasure, coming up home alone, single homeowners are hitting alltime high even though housing costs are on the rise, we will check on that when we come back. Hi guys. This is the Chevy Silverado with the worlds first invisible trailer. Invisible trailer . And its not the trailer right next to us . This guy . You dont believe me . Hop in. Good lookin pickup, i will say that. Oh wow. Silverado offers an Optional Technology package with up to 15 different views including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. Wow. Thats pretty sweet. Thats cool. Oooohh thats awesome. Whered the trailer go . I love it. Its magic. Maria welcome back, Home Ownership in america, single homeowners hit august new high even as real estate costs and analysis of the Census Bureau numbers by real estate data company, shows the number of homeowners who are single reached a record 38. 4 in 2018 as Housing Trends changed more americans single or getting divorce appear to be Building Wealth through real estate. Joining ceo, great to see you, thank you so much for joining us. Its a trend that reflects confidence in Real Estate Market finally after many years of hesitation bilateral consumers to buy homes, we are seeing more confidence because the economy is doing well, Interest Rates are low and unlike what was happening about 10 years ago, housing isnt overbuilt, commercial real estate is not over built, you dont have a bunch of very aggressive loans that are about to blow up and combining all those things together is translating into a lot more confidence, whats interesting, though, is that youre also seeing a lot of older americans, empty nesters sell homes and rent apartments, a lot of different trends happening, the single home buyer is really one that does show the effect of job creation and more confidence and real estate as a whole. Real quickly, Interest Rates, the 10year hit alltime low, is that enough fuel to keep real estate, the housing and commercial moving forward . It absolutely is. We have benefited from the fed reversal in the last 12 months or so in Interest Rates have come back down, supply was very much in very good balance for all of commercial real estate and all of the residential for sales marketplace and in the last just in the last few days Interest Rates going back to alltime lows really exaggerate the highlight that commercial real estate in general with 5 to 7 yield, that really gets more attention given the volatility as hard investor. Maria you have to come back for more, back in a minute that drh and gain new perspectives. Thats why we go beyond the numbers. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Thats why we go beyond the numbers. Yes im stuck in the middle with you, no one likes to feel stuck, boxed in, or held back. Especially by Something Like your cloud. Its a problem. But the ibm cloud is different. Its the most open and secure public cloud for business. It can manage all your apps and data from anywhere. 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It is up better than 8 yeartodate on the price of gold, find out why the coronavirus and a possible Bernie Sanders nomination could drive gold even higher at 1649 this morning. Take a look at Interest Rates, the yield on the 10 year treasury coming off of a record low yesterday, hitting alltime lowers, at 1. 365 , again, due to worries about the coronavirus. Lowes is under pressure this morning, it missed quarterly same store Sales Estimates this morning, says it faced stiff competition from home depot. Home depot reported better than expected numbers. Lowes down 3 and a third percent. Coronavirus fears continuing to drive markets. The cdc making a stunning announcement yesterday, warning a spread of the virus here in the United States is inevitable and we should prepare for possible pandemic. San francisco declared a state of emergency before the virus even hits. President trump says there will be a briefing this afternoon. A big surprise from disney yesterday, it is the end of an era, bob iger steps down as ceo, Effective Immediately. He will stay on as executive chairman through the end of next year. A look at who is taking his place and what it means for the future of disney. Plus, sparks fly in South Carolina last night as democrats battle it out, the debate spins out of control at times, the moderators could not get control. We will tell you all about it. Christmas around the world marking the beginning of lent this Ash Wednesday, today, the faithful are flocking to churches to receive ash crosses on their foreheads. Mornings with maria is live right now. And some of the top stories were watching this morning, the cdc issuing a dire warning yesterday about coronavirus, saying that it expects the virus to expand its reach in the United States and the agency is preparing for a possible pandemic. This as a u. S. Soldier in south korea tested positive for coronavirus, is now under quarantine. President trump tweeted just a short time ago, congratulating the cdc and health and Human Services secretary alex azar for how theyre handling the situation. The president has a briefing later today. San francisco is taking severe precautionary measures for coronavirus, declaring a state of emergency to speed up planning for any outbreak. Making headlines this morning, facebook reportedly banning ads that promote coronavirus cures, saying it is trying to stop misinformation and fear mongering, there is no cure right now. And the summer olympics just months away, tokyo is facing hard choices, the 2020 host city reportedly looking at canceling the games if coronavirus is not contained by late may. Coronavirus now afolking 39 affecting 39 countries around the world. New developments in the case of two missing children, the exhusband of the niece of lori vallow claims the exwife knows where the kids are. He claims his exwife was involved in a doomsday cult. Vallow was arrested last week in hawaii, months after her 7yearold son and 17yearold daughter went missing. Salesforce took a one, two punch yesterday in after hours trading. Shares of the Company Ended down 3 andahalf percent after it reported earnings that missed wall street expectations. The loss was 248 million compared to net income of 362 million during a year earliers fourth quarter. Salesforce announced its cochief executive, keith block, would be stepping down. The coceo will do the job solo as ceo. Shares of Virgin Galactic under pressure after the Company Reported a larger than expected quarterly loss, stock is down 6 and twothirds percent. The ceo said the First Priority is to safely fly its founder, richard branson, into space this year. The company says it will start accepting 1,000 deposits for tourist whose want a reservation to head into the great beyond, ticket sales have been suspended following a fatal test flight in 2014. Coronavirus fears across the United States, Health Officials are warning americans about the disease that is coming in a bigger way, San Francisco has declared a state of emergency this morning to prepare for an outbreak. To recap the spread of the disease back on new years eve, china discovered a strange pneumonialike illness which was identified as coronavirus on january 7th. Four days later, china announced the first death from coronavirus and then on january 21st the first case was confirmed in the u. S. On january 30th the World Health Organization declared a Global Health manage c february 5th, the diamond princess cruise ship was quarantined off the coast of japan. On february 10th the official chinese death toll from coronavirus surpassed sars. February 19th, 0 hundreds of Passengers Evacuated the diamond princess. 40 americans from the cruise have been diagnosed with coronavirus, bringing the total u. S. Cases now to 57. Joining us right now to discuss the governments response to the illness, texas congressman, medical doctor michael burjess. Thank you for joining us. Your committee will hold a hearing on how to address the virus later today. How serious is this, sir . Well, as you know, i was on with you probably a month ago and said of all the Infectious Diseases the country has faced since ive been in congress, this one concerns me more than any of the others. The ability to spread the virus before symptoms develop, even though its less lethal than sars, it makes it more infective than sars. Thats why youve seen the number of cases skyrocket so much. The cdc yesterday, people do need to be aware that, well, the Community Acquisition of this virus in the United States does not necessarily represent a Public Health failing in some way, that is likely going to happen. And i think it was reasonable for the country to be warned about that. But ill tell you this. This afternoon were having the first hearing in our committee, subcommittee on health, i asked for this weeks ago, unconscionable to me we havent had experts in to talk to our committee. Weve had offtherecord briefings. Weve had contact with Public Health experts but we need an ontherecord briefing that people can watch and perhaps get a better understanding of this illness. Maria hold on. Youre saying weeks ago you asked for an ontherecord hearing about coronavirus and your colleagues in the House Committee said theyre not going to do it. Why . They said we would do it in two weeks, which is today. And my concern was at that point our numbers were going up so fast, where will we be in two weeks. Now we know, we had the super spreader situation in south korea and on the cruise ship. This is something we really havent encountered with some of the other infective illnesses, i dont know that today we understand the phenomenon of the super spreader but it is a feature of this and that is one of the things that we have to figure into our preparedness response. Were the committee that does that. Maria why are they pushing back about having an ontherecord hearing, because they were consumed with other things like taking down President Trump. It was a messaging bill on abortion, that was more important. This is more important, this is the clear and present danger. Im glad were having the hearing today. Cant look back. Maria real quick, the cdc says a pandemic is potentially coming here. How are americans supposed to prepare . I think one of the things that im waiting to see is the ability to test much more rapidly. Right now, all the testing has to be done through the cdc because there was difficulties with the original test kits. Weve got to get that fixed so our Public Health people on the ground back in our homes are able to test for this virus quickly and make the assessment, is this the flu as usual or is this that new virus. Without that Rapid Testing that is onsite, you really cant wait 24 hours for a turnaround on this. The other thing is, if theres a Silver Lining to this cloud, maybe finally we will be looking seriously at why all of the active pharmaceutical ingredients are no longer manufactured in this country. We need to look at manufacturing in a new light because of the very threat that an illness like this poses in another country. Maria just to be clearings how much of our generic drugs come from china . Well, i dont know specifically about the generic drugs but i do know a significant amount of the active pharmaceutical ingredients and this is not news, in 2008 we had contamination with heparin, it was serious problem. Maria 70 of generic prescription components are coming from china. Its a large amount. Maria you make a good point, maybe this is a wakeup call. The impact has been wide and deep. The cdc warning of the serious coronavirus outbreak in the United States, that has fueled fears on wall street as well. This morning we are seeing a back and forth position for the major indices. Now were in positive territory. The dow futures are up 25, nasdaq up 33, s p futures up 8 and three quarters. This is a few minutes after a negative situation just a few minutes ago. Of course, it follows an historic selloff in the last two days where 1. 7 trillion was wiped out in market value after a huge run for the dow in the preceding year, the largest twoday point drop ever, though, in these last two days, all three major indices in negative territory for 2020, leaving some investors asking what happens now and should we look at this as a buying opportunity. Joining us now is Wells Fargo Investment Institute president , darryl kronk. What should investors do right now. I think its okay to take a pause here. Weve been underrisked and portfolios weve been carrying about 95 of the risk we should have at this point. We think its okay in the fixed income market to own duration at this point because as the yield curve has come crashing down, thats been beneficial to portfolios. We would stay up in credit quality at this point and up in quality overall in equities. One of the interesting things i think is yesterday afternoon there was some reallyhow do i say this, maybe not really good signs, but good signs toward the close. Toward the close you saw gold sell off, rates move back up, 10 year went from 130 to 135. The two to 10 spread, the shape of the yield curve actually held its line so it didnt flatten or invert even more. So theres some things there that we have to watch. We need oil to hold 50. Otherwise that probably starts demand disruption. Copper showed decent signs. Theres some reasons to look at the markets and say, well, it doesnt surprise me this morning that futures arent tailing off on the twoday selloff. You mentioned equities. For the viewers, Going Forward if you were to rebalance the portfolio is there a sector you would want to underweight or sector you would want to overweight. Its a great point, mitch. Youve got to look right now and say where is the impact most acute. We think its most acute in emerging markets, obviously, china, the south asia, spilling over with a downshift in Commodity Prices in latin america which are big commodity producing companies. For the us we would probably stay away from industrials, as the dollar has strengthened and they have a big overseas business, that hurts their earnings tons and of course as global gdp downshifts, industrials are most highly correlated to that and i think youve got to be really selective in the Consumer Discretionary space, think travel, luxury, all that stuffs going to be impacted and so those names we think some are going to come under have already come under pretty significant pressure, the autos, the airlines, some of your more luxury type things are really taking pressure right now. In other words, you might want to think aboutthere could be good buying opportunities. Maria what about healthcare, given the shortages of medical equipment and medical supplies and drugs . Yeah, at this Point Healthcare obviously is always a defensive sector so its kind of had this push, pull this week. Its a weird dynamic, maria. Whats happened is money is flowing there from a defensive posturing standpoint around the coronavirus, but if you look at things like managed care stocks, theyve gotten pummeled. Dagen thats Bernie Sanders. Thats Bernie Sanders. Thats exactly right. Dagen sanders is in the lead and all of your Health Insurers have collapsed in the last on the fear of him taking the lead and eventually taking the dnc nomination in mill wa milwa. Maria and opportunity or more selling . There we would stillwe would still probably hold tight. Right now we think best way to play quality is up in technology, com services, and actually we like financials. Maria thank you. Great insights from you. Good to see you. Stay with us. A lot more to come on a jampacked news day. Coming im, disneys whole new World Without ceo bob iger, we take a look at the company and whats next. Stay with us. 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Sparks definitely flying last night in South Carolina as democrats went head to head on the debate stage. Frontrunner Bernie Sanders the target of multiple attacks days before the critical South Carolina primary and less than a week before super tuesday. Hillary vaughn joins us live from charleston with more. There were a lot of highlights and low light as well. Reporter good morning. Thats exactly right. Mayor Michael Bloomberg had some of those. His billions are still bothering senators sanders and warren who spent a lot of the evening attacking him. Senator sanders spent some of his night on defense. Joe biden and Pete Buttigieg painted him as a progressive that cant on win in november. Youre right, the economy is doing really great for people like mr. Bloomberg and other billionaires. Vladimir putin thinks that donald trump should be president of the United States and thats why russia is helping you get elected so you lose to him. At least i didnt have a boss who said to me, kill it, the way that mayor bloomberg alleged to have said. Never said that. To one of his pregnant employees. For the record, if she was a teacher in new york city, she would never have had that problem. Let us be clear, do we think healthcare for all, pete, is some kind of radical communist idea . Lets talk about that. Do we think raising the minimum wage to a living wage the only way to do this is jump in and speak twice as long as you should. Reporter there were several stretches of the debate that were hard for viewers to understand because a lot of candidates were talk over each other and out of turn but maria, that underscores whats at stake for these candidates as were just a few days before the first in the south primary on saturday and three days after that the super tuesday primary when 14 states vote. Maria hillary, thank you very much. Hillary vaughn there. Somebody has to be in charge like you said earlier. The moderators let this get out of control with everybody talking over one another. Dagen they were the biggest losers of the night. Im surprised that Elizabeth Warren brought up the alleged comment by Mike Bloomberg that he allegedly said to the company at the company, just kill it, which he denied under oath at a deposition. That is essentially the lefts position, given their position on abortion. Let me explain what infanticide looks like, she brought that up. She was trying to go after Mike Bloomberg. Nobody knows why, fourth in nevada. She is nowheresville, she is running to be the running mate with bernie. Maria for a little while it was annoying. She kept raising her hand and interrupting everybody. As a viewer, it was annoying. Dagen what would you do if i did that on your show every day where i was like this. Maria it was annoying. Dagen they did it last week. Stop it. I think you raise a really good point on the abortion point. This is the same day the United States senate that democrats rejected moving to a bill that allows democrats to offer Life Saving Services to a baby who is born alive during a botched abortion. That is a radical position, the rest of the country isnt there, where democrats are right now. That just brings that point home with Elizabeth Warren at the debate. Maria lets take a break, come back with disneys next steps, ceo bob iger stepping down, how wall street is reacting to this news, surprise to everybody pretty much. Who pays the most, the fast food chains with the best management salaries, next. The winner might surprise you. Wait until you see how much manager at some of these companies make. Stay with us. I am totally blind. And non24 can make me show up too early. Or too late. Or make me feel like im not really there. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442342424. Theres a company thats talked than me jd power. People 448,134 to be exact. They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. Through the at t network, edgetoedge intelligence gives you the power to see every corner of your growing business. From finding out whats selling best. To managing your fleet. To collaborating remotely with your teams. Giving you a nice big edge over your competition. Thats the power of edgetoedge intelligence. Maria welcome back. Americas best fast food jobs, top chains are now paying managers big money, taco bell paying general managers more than 56,000 a year, wendys paying managers nearly the same amount. Chickfila, managers getting more than 53,000 on average. Mcdonalds, managers make more than 48,000, cashiers grossing about 10 an hour. The numbers surprise me. They are good salaries if youre a manager at one of these fast food giants. It belies the notre dame democratic narrative narrative. You could get a Managerial Position in taco bell and get more than my first years in dc, shows theres a lot of mobility in the country. Democrats talking about minimum wage or jobs guarantee dont understand the amount of opportunity thats out there. Maria remember earlier this year, taco bell announced select managers could get a huge raise, hiking pay up to 100,000, that was at taco bell. They will begin testing the six figure salary in select markets. You could be making 100 grand. You start at the entry level and work up very, very quickly. The whole notion of raising the minimum wage which could wipe out a lot of that entry level takes away the opportunity for you to move. You can start at 9 an hour job and find yourself making 50,000 in a relatively short period of time. Thats the american dream. And it could be very well derailed by 22 minimum wage. The people who are being pulled off the sidelines are the people who are getting the 9 an 9 anhour jobs. Theyre people with a criminal history, people with disabilities, they are working in the economy at higher rates than decades and that is good news. Maria its not the news that the democrats or critics of the president want to talk about. As you say, they continue to use this narrative of the rich are evil, the rich need to pay more. The billionaires are the ones that got witch under President Trump. I was got rich under President Trump. I was yelling at the television. Wages for the bottom 10 of people in the country have grown at 6 during the first 11 quarters of the trump presidency, double what they grew under president obama during his second term. Double. Fastest in 20 years. Maria the truth is, income inequality is narrowing. Its actually getting better. And this is obviously the talking point that just keeps on going for the critics of the president , because they just want to paint this picture that hes helping his rich friends, which is exactly not what happened after the tax cuts and the deregulation. Quick break and then disneys new world, what is next for the company as ceo bob iger steps down as ceo. Plus, model theme park, tyra banks developing her own amusement park. Get this, the cost to get in making headlines. Wait until you hear this. Back in a minute. Im so grateful for my friends. Thank you, next. Thank you, next. Thank you next. Can we go get some ice cream . Alright, we gotta stop here first. From smarter atms, to after hours video tellers comcast business is connecting thousands of banks to technology that turns everyday transactions into extraordinary experiences. Hi there. How are you . Do you have any lollipops in there . laughing no, sorry. Were helping all kinds of businesses go beyond customer expectations. How can we help you . Maria welcome back. Good wednesday morning, everybody. Thanks so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. It is wednesday, february 26t february 26th. Heres a look at markets, its been a wild volatile morning this morning, at the low overnight the dow industrials were down 425 points. We are now looking at a decline for dow futures of 53 points, the nasdaq futures are down 6 andahalf, s p down 1 point. Modest declines. It was not the case overnight at 3 00 a. M. For a little while, a few minutes ago the market was actually positive. Another issue as a result of the coronavirus fears has been Interest Rates. Take a look at the yield on the 10 year, it was a record low yesterday. This morning were bouncing off the record low at 1. 370 on the 10 year. Were talking rock bottom numbers here. Markets plunged for a second day, the nasdaq with the biggest twoday point decline since jun. The others were looking at the worst performance in two days, since august of 2015. The dow industrials yesterday down 87 879 points, s p down 9. In two days, this market has given up 1. 7 trillion in value. Markets overseas this morning look like this. European indices are lower across the board. The coronavirus is spreading into france, reporting its first death this morning. European markets look like this, fq100 down 49, cac in paris down 46, dax in germany lower by 133. In asia overnight red across the board there as well, certainly korea was hardest hit. The coronavirus cases have soared in south korea, now 115 new cases reported today alone. The total number now over 1200 in south korea. The kospi index down 1 and a quarter percent. Tesla is facing criticism from u. S. Regulators. Cheryl casone with that story. Cheryl the ntsb is criticizing the lack of system safeguard after a fatal auto pilot crash in california that happened two years ago. Officials are questioning the design of the semiautomatic system and condemning for the handsoff approach to regulating the technology. Teslas auto pilot tied to at least three deadly crashes since 2016 and its suspected in some others. There is the stock in the premarket, as you can see, down more than 3 . Jim any johns is remove jimmy johns is removing sprouts from the restaurants after they link several e. Coli outbreaks to the chain. They have happened over the last seven years, impacted up to 17 states. Vacations are supposed to help you destress from your job. A new survey says getting there is causing more stress. 55 of people say the process for booking your air travel, going through security which is so much fun, flying itself, all of it more stressful than actually going to work at your job. Responsrespondents say they find dentists visits and spending their days with inlaws to be less stressful. I hear you laughing, mitch. I know, its stressful. Finally theres this. Fans of tyra banks should book a flight for california to check out her new modelland theme park. Yes, modelland. This is the first of its kind attraction. It opens in may. Its going to be the, quote, ultimate modeling fantasy, photo shoots, fashion, shopping all included. Its not cheap. The top ticket goes for nearly 1,500. That excludes fees. If you want to be a model like tyra banks maria models are walking around, what is it. Cheryl its like you become a model. Maria you do a photo shoot. Cheryl you get a photo shoot, hair and makeup done, you get tips. Dagen the world needs to be more selfcentered. We all these need bigger egos. They asked in the debate last night, what is your motto, mine is pull your head out of your [ laughter ] dagen for president. Maria thank you. It is the end of an era at disney. Weve been telling you this morning bob iger stepping down as ceo, but staying on as executive chairman until the end of next year. The move follows days of market volatility which iger claims had nothing to do with the announcement. Lets take a look. Joining us right now is chief investment officer, ivan fineseth. Good to see you. Were you surprised by this . Yes, it was surprising. Because it was unexpected. But the fact is, hes staying on in the executive chairman role and will have creative input is somewhat of a decent transition. So i think that the overreaction in the stock is a buying opportunity. Maria iger is being replaced by bob chapek. Chapek has been serving as chairman of disney parks experiences and products division. Is he the right person to take over and what do you think is behind this . I mean, i know its all speculation, well never know specifically why they decided to announce this yesterday and he is going to be giving up the title Effective Immediately. But is chapek the right guy . Seemingly. He oversaw parks. Parks is a very important part of disney. Its a big revenue generator and its the way that disney connects and interacts with their customers. But i think bob iger did a great job. We dont know exactly why disney is having an Analyst Meeting in new york tomorrow aged sure hes going to be asked endlessly about the change and why it became so abruptly it came so abruptly. But i think that disney hes done a good job and he oversaw one of disneys biggest accomplishments, the launch of disney plus, which is a way that people can connect with disney on Johnson Johnson going basis and with disney on an ongoing basis and it has a halo effect to other products including theme park visits and merchandise purchasing. I think content is king and disney is the king of content and i think the stock has a lot of upside and, you know, the transition i think will be fine. Maria i guess if they were going to announce this soon and they have the analyst day tomorrow, they had to announce it before the analyst day, i guess, mitch. I dont think thats the place you want to drop the bomb. They did it on a down day on the markets. I think they dropped the bomb on the employees which was a little dagen waited to drop it, actually. You mentioned that its a buying opportunity. What are the opportunities for growth in the future and what might some of the challenges be for disney Going Forward . Well, the biggest driver i think is disney plus. Its already exceeded their expectations, subscribers, almost at 30 Million Subscribers and about less than four months. Their goal was 75 Million Subscriber as the midpoint in five years. So disney plus is a big driver. The movie studio last year released seven 1 billion blockbusters, they have more blockbusters than any other studio combined. They also have more studio revenue or Movie Theater revenue than twice as much than their two biggest competitors. They have a character, a massive Character Library to continue to create new content including tv shows as well as video games and movies. So the interaction area of video games, disney plus, and theme parks are the big drivers. Is not without downside risk. The parks are going to be under pressure if coronavirus continues to be a threat across the globe. How do you see that playing out, particularly how its going to affect the stock . Well, it has been an issue. Theyve closed the parks in shanghai and hong kong. Its also causing almost a 200 million loss of revenue. That hopefully can be recouped because people do plan their vacations, look forward to going, theyre as disappointed as the shareholders to see the drop in revenue and drop in stock price. But we have seen the past 11 epidemics, the market has recovered six months later, 11 out of 11 times. So i view the overall coronavirus selling panic as a buying opportunity in the market and both the weakness in disney on the park closures and the ceo transition as a buying in disney as well, buying opportunity as well. Maria the stock has done so well under bob iger, you would pay the price today and buy in today for new investor . Yes, during the period of time from 2013 until the end of december, the stock was up 195 . Allin with dividends. Versus 145 for the s p 500 with dividends and their biggest competitor was up 155 , comcast, so hes done a great job as ceo. He was wellliked at the company and he was well is wellliked at the company and is wellliked by shareholders. Maria yep. All right. Ivan, great to talk with you this morning. Thanks very much for your insights. Ivan fineseth joining us there. Coming up, Harvey Weinstein facing more charges, how it could affect the other legal problems he faces. Fleeing to safety, we take a look at the price of gold, is this what investors should be doing . They are trying to weather the coronavirus storm. Gold has turned negative now but it is up 8 yeartodate. Back in a minute. Out to the pasture. As long as im with you it really dont matter. Maria this week on mornings with maria, tomorrow our favorite physician is back, dr. Mike is here with the latest health and wellness news. And then on friday, austin is the hottest jobs market in the country, mayor steve adler is here. We answer all of the questions that matter to you, its time to ask maria, thats all right here on mornings with maria. Maria welcome back. Coronavirus fears sparking a runup in the price of gold, it snapped an eight day winning streak yesterday, settled at the second highest value in the year. Gold prices are pulling back, up about 8 yeartodate. My next guest says investors should be diversifying into gold. Joining us right now is High Ridge Futures director of metals trading, dave meager. You think you want to have some of your portfolio positioned toward gold. How much . You know what, its different for every investor. We generally recommend in the 10 range. Once again, that really depends on your outlook for the market and where youre at in your lifestyle. So really its a diversification overall that we look for, for a general investor. Maria the idea is towhen things go south, when theres a lot of uncertainty out there, you want to having thats tangible, something that you can hold and thats an actual tangible instrument, like gold, which is why i dont even look at gold as an investment, i look at it as a hedge, a hedge against negative times. A store of wealth, if you will, maria. Weve been talking for a while about our pillars of support of gold, why a general investor would be looking at gold as a hedge against other asset classes, and really those are, for example, gold we view as a hedge against this world of Global Central Bank liquidity. If youre leaving your money sitting in cash, obviously youre gaining nothing on that investment. However, gold is at least that store of wealth and your money is notter roading the way it not eroding, itser roading the currency that youre in. Gold is a hedge against that erosion of the currency. And then we see alternative investment demand in the market growing significantly in the months and years to come. Weve already seen that. Smart money in our opinion has been cyphering profits off the market and gold tops a short list of safe haven or alternative investment plays. Good morning, Mitch Roschelle. If youre watching right now and listening to this and want to allocate something towards gold, how does the average Retail Investor access the asset class . So theres traditionally three ways you can go about doing it. We have the gld, thats always a good vehicle for most investors. We actually prefer physical and then theres the futures markets which allow you a bit of leverage if you choose to use it. Can be risky but depending once again on your allocation and your percentage, those are three excellent vehicles for the average everyday investor to look at gold. And just as a quick followup, if you want to branch out past gold into other Precious Metals, is the entire Precious Metals basket a good place to be right now . You know, gold is real has really been our favorite for a while. Clearly silver is probably the secondary Precious Metals for a lot of investors. We have a tendency to cecil vee silver play catchup from time to time. Silver could play a catchup. But in our opinion, for a general everyday investor, we see gold as that safe haven play. You know, we live in Uncertain Times right now and in this uncertain world, certainly with the fears of the coronavirus, we have tensions in the middle east, issues with north korea, we have the trade war with china, these are uncertainties that gold generally performs very well when equity markets dont. Hence, the perfect diversifier for ones general portfolio. Maria all right. We will leave it there. Dave, well be watching. Thanks so much. Thank you. Maria coming up, Harvey Weinstein faces more charges, how the movie moguls conviction in new york could affect future trials. Judge Andrew Napolitano will weigh in on that when we come back. Youre wrong when its right. Its black and its white. We fight we break up. We kiss we make up. 6 448,134 to be exact. They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. Beyond the routine checkups. Beyond the notsoroutine cases. Comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. All working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gigspeed network. Because beyond technology. There is human ingenuity. Every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. To do the extraordinary. Take your business beyond. Maria welcome back. Now this, Harvey Weinstein convicted in new york as his fate in california hangs in the balance. He remains in Bellevue Hospital this morning for chest pain and heart palpitations. He faces another criminal trial in los angeles. Weinstein set to be sentenced in new york on march 11th. Hes facing decades behind bars. Joining us right now, judge Andrew Napolitano. Wow. So theres no date set in the california trial but the principal listen to this, the principal accuser in california is one of the witnesses in this case, whom the jury either disbelieved or discounted. To refresh your memory, the two major charges for which he was acquitted required new allegations and older allegations. One of those older allegations was one of the principal accusers in california. Stated differently, both the prosecution and the defense in california have seen how she does in direct testimony and under crossexamination. So they both have a little bit of an advantage. But its an equal advantage. So i dont think its going to change anything. I dont think what happened in new york makes the prosecution of him in la easier or the defense of him in la easier. But la is almost moot because he is going to get the lions share of the 29 years in new york and hes 67 years old and in bad health. So are they going to try him in la . Absolutely. When will it happen . Probably sometime later this year. Maria you know, people were pretty stunned at looking at him in the courtroom and we were talking to jessie weber yesterday, as soon as the result was announced, he had heart palpitations. I mean, you dont think that california is going to get dictated by new york . I dont. I think that when california wants him and theres an agreement among all 50 states, so the requesting state asks the custodial state for the prisoner. He will be a prisoner at that point. Hell be transferred under armed guard from new york to la hell be housed in an la jail. It is far more difficult to defend yourself when youre incarcerated than when youre free to deal with lawyers in off hours. Hell be housed in an la jail and hell be tried there, probably convicted there, probably sentenced there and then back to new york to serve the new york term. Maria wont the jury have sympathizers to him in la. My goodness, there is no similar pathetic aspect to him whatsoever as far as i can tell. There were weaknesses in the new york case. And the la prosecutors are aware of those weaknesses. One of the more glaring weaknesses is i have never seen a rape cap case investigate police where the police didnt testify. Not a single cop testified. Are they sending a signal to the prosecutors, the judge or the jury, we have concerns about the hed consider it of the witnesses. I dont know. I assure you the police are going to testify in la. Dagen jurors found the witnesses credible on the counts in which they convicted. I just want to raise one issue. This is my what bothers me so deeply. I was reading an article in variety where Cate Blanchett said on the back of the Harvey Weinstein conviction, the industry must move forward an ensure a new culture is established. In order to do that, any industry in this country and around the globe, you need to have people, particularly lawyers, stop covering up for this behavior and everybody has a right to a defense. Im not talking about criminal prosecutions. Im talking about in the Harvey Weinstein instance, for example, we have a, quote, victims rights attorney who i will not name, who wrote a long pitch to weinstein after the rose mcgowan accusations of how she could fix all of this for weinstein. She has since apologized for that. These are people who literally for money destroy peoples lives. Yes, yes. Dagen destroyed their lives, just to cover up what harvey wine teeweinstein did for decad. Let me add to that. Just because he was acquitted on these more serious charges doesnt mean the jury did not believe the witnesses. It just means they discounted the witnesses for some reason. The case was so old. You kept it to yourself for 30 years. Maria that makes sense. This is all going to come back to be revisited in a more refined way in the la trial. Maria real quake before you go, turning to the College Admissions scandal, several parents facing time behind bars here as well. The latest to be sentenced, hot pocket heir re heiress, shes fg five months in prison. Lori loughlin still facing trial for allegedly bribing her daughters way into usc. What are the consequences here for other parents and of course what are the consequences more lori loughlin. You may think this is fair or you may think its unfair. But the longer you wait before pleading guilty, when there are many, many defendants, here there are 51 defendants, the longer you wait, the more jail time youre going to get. I always thought that was unfair. I didnt do that when i had multiple defendant cases because you sentence defendants individually, not in groups. But this federal judge in boston ihas basically said the longer you string us along before you say guilty or not gil ticks the more were going to put you away for. Maria a thats what we figured. Judge, thank you. Well be right back. Dont just plan to retire. Plan to live. An annuity helps cover your essential monthly expenses, so youre free to live the life you want. Find out how an annuity can give you Lifetime Income at protectedincome. Org can give you Lifetime Income when i lost my sight, my biggest fear was losing my independence. Mmm. Good. So ive spent my life developing technology to help the visually impaired. We are so good. We built a guide that uses ibm watson. To help the blind. It is already working in cities like tokyo. My dream is to help millions more people like me. Maria welcome back, good wednesday morning. Thanks so much for joining us. Im maria bartiromo. Wednesday, february 26 your top stories right now 8 00 a. M. On the east coast, on this Ash Wednesday market searching for direction wild violet dow futures up 20 the nasdaq futures up 15 s p futures up 6 1 2, but overnight market was o down 425 points, we have been going backandforth throughout the morning this morning as markets search for direction on the path of a two day major selloff, yesterday markets down sharply again in last two days, the markets lost 1. 7 trillion dollars in value, yesterday the dow industrials 879 points nasdaq down 255, s p down 97 points on top of the day before when dow industrials were down 1,000 points, all also having effect on treasurys take a look another yielded 10 year bouncing off record low reached yesterday up 1. 6 basis points 1. 372 , yield on 10 year last check are asian markets like this right across the board overnight, hong kong announcing it will give each of the permanent residents 18 that are 18 years old more than 1200 dollars as part of a stimulus package the dmun a recession, so the government came out with a budget including giving each resident 1200 dollars, asian markets down across the board, as you can see, hang seng down threequarters of a percent, lows under pressure missing quarterly samestore sales expectations faced stiff competition from home depot lowes shares positive up twothirds of one percent, wendys like this a beat on earning spoiptdz on guidance for what is ahead down better than 3 , issue coronavirus fears continuing to drive markets the cdc, warned yesterday that a spread of the virus in the United States is ebb inevitable San Francisco declaring state of emergency before virus hits President Trump says there will be a briefing there everyone surprise from disney, bob iger stems down immediately we look the what will take his place the future of the stock and company the gentlemen runs parks business bop chapek will become new ceo. Sparks flying in South Carolina democrats battle it out debate out of control at times moderators in able to keep it together, plus, the fbi raid fargs mogul nygard new offices part of sex trafficking probe mornings with maria is live right now. We kick off with markets completely turned around now looking at gain start of trading where dow futures up 30 nasdaq futures up 181 4 s p futures up 7 and quarter on top of major telling two days market gave up 1. 7 trillion dollars in value including that 879 point selloff yesterday nor dow, nasdaq down 255, s p down 97, by the way, the s p in this last two days, the worst selling since august of 2015. European indices down across the board this morning, as you will see ft 100 down 31 cac quarante in paris down 24, dax down 73. Coronavirus fears there, particularly in france as well, in asia overnight, markets down across the board worst performer korea again coronavirus situation has worsened kospi down one and a quarter percent, top stories we are watching this morning the cdc arbitrating dire warning about coronavirus that is what is setting the tone this morning for markets, the cdc says it expects the virus to expand reach in the United States aggregation says to prepare for a possible pandemic as u. S. Soldier in ask subcommittee tested under quarantine. Secretary azar cdc doing great job related to coronavirus president will be briefed later today San Francisco is taking severe precautionary measures declaring state of emergency to speed up planning, facebook reportedly banning ads that promote coronavirus cures saying try oing to stop misinformation fearmongering, university in connecticut canceling Study Abroad Program in italy requiring students there to return home as virus spraetdz there, the university currently has 142 students in classes in the florence, italy currently has 323 confirmed cases of coronavirus. The summer olympics in the japan months away tokyo facing hard choices the 2020 host city reportedly looking at canceling if coronavirus not contained by late may affecting 38 countries across the world, reporting all morning this morning a change the top of disney ceo bob iger stepping down immediately replaced by bob chapek running entertainment businesses iger at helm more than 14 years will stay on through end of the his contract happens in 2021 chapek 27 year disney veteran leading Consumer Products division of disney this morning trading down, this morning. Wicked storm slammed plains yesterday making its way evident blanketing states from missouri maine p snow a winter storm watch for more than 25 Million People chicago detroit directly in storm path this morning expected to see between 2 and 5 inches of snow just Peanut Butter . Having fun with Company Behind jif, the Company Rolling out edition jar aim at selling pronunciation debate depending which side Peanut Butter tastes same. Dagen it is not jig it is jif why we have jif Peanut Butter. Coronavirus outbreak has centers for Disease Control making too serious warnings americans told the prepare for crises in United States closely watching outbreak in itly up to 374 people sicken there had you four schools syracuse nyu, helon university canceled programs to italy joining me right now former speaker of the house Fox News Contributor Newt Gingrich. A pleasure to see you. Thank you so much for joining us. You had a busy news program. My goodness so busy first off your take on itsly your wife ambassador i know you spent a lot of time in itly what can you actually us. Outbreak in very north probably by two Chinese Tourists jumped to palermo sicily one person infected flew to sicily as tourist found that person, now in quarantine. Cases now to some extent, in florence. Again, i mean my is very as historian much less currently than flu every single year, less deadly than flu every year, and on scale of reaction has been horrendous, 300 some people so far about infected in italy i think we out to nut in proportion we can contain it identify wash hands regularly most useful single step the fact it is not at the present time 98 deaths in china, chinese mishandled whole opening two months of this a to thetalian regime didnt want to be told truth i think the economy people need to be aware when second biggest economy in world slams itself with quarantine of entire cities a huge secondary impacting. Absolutely right we have been saying that on this program the fact you are going to see, bottle necks supply chain disrupted into earnings let me say president tweeted a moment ago said that i will be having a News Conference at the white house on this subject today, at 6 pm, cdc representatives others will be there thank you writes the president , how would you characterize how the u. S. He handled that . Obviously, this is no time for congratulations very much unknown uncertain situation. I did a podcast several weeks ago two leading virus experts on plannent an hour talking about this virus how it compares to other viruses in the past i would say we have best Public Health service in the world center for Disease Control is world gold standard, enormous machine of research we are going to get this thing under control we are going to find out that it is manageable, primary threat to people over 80 years of age people he have another illness if you have pneumonia some other debilitating disease this is dangerous so far outside of china number of people dying is very small. The number of people have it look at numbers you are putting up on the board not many people if we focus on quarantining those who come into contact, we will gradually squeeze it out, it may disappear in the spring as virtuologists believe may come back again next fall doesnt mean you caning stop i am as worried or more worried think the president needs economic package you could see a lot of secondary effects, the chinese supply chain problem is so big. Maria yeah. If that doesnt get fixed next couple weeks, we are going to have to take steps here to offset the damage in china. Maria we should let me just quite a while ago move on to debate last night before we lose you, mr. Speaker, because that was quite a show. The 10 debateers all over each other fighting hard to understand what was going on your reaction to that debate . Well my newsletter is entitled trumps india versus the democrats South Carolina. The president and melania 120,000 cheering people in largest stadium in india you have people shrinking by the hour, i mean it was i thought it was unbelievable how childish pathetic how they couldnt they couldnt i went to debates ins 12r8 all debates trump did 15, are 16, i you think slaifrpg entire Democratic Party. Fox news not moderating debates. The democrats who were leading want to choose to come on network. All i can say moderators were weak candidates dramatically worst, i think it was most amazing debate i have watched in my entire career. And you go back say original debates Kennedy Nixon how civil they were, how orderly they were you watched last night, as people piled on, like watching 7th graders piled on each other in a way no relationship to somebody wander to be commander in chief and president of the United States so that did bloomberg save himself. Who. Bloomberg. I thought bloomberg did dramatically better but you must save urz we are watching a party marching Bernie Sanders i think bloomberg did much better warren as usual angry at everybody i thought buttigieg looked younger less president ial last night biden looked like almost awake magic moment i thought biden is actually here. Sanders this may be a sign of my age or conservatism i watched bernie i this have you of drunk uncle comes down 11 in the morning talking at Kitchen Table goes straight at you sincerely believes everything he is saying, even if it is insane. Bernie has this thing down, you know, cuba is okay, venezuela is okay. All these things are really terrific, about soviet union was great place to vacation into honeymoon doesnt have any really i do believe he is authentic he really believes it. Mcgovern 72. Absolutely. Thank you so much great to see you Newt Gingrich young us a lot to talk about this morning the end of era for disney ceo bob iger hands keys to the Magic Kingdom success as you say or how moving stock chase in the chaerlstone 2020 demonstrates square off in South Carolina taking aim at Bernie Sanders, Airline Stocks a plunge as coronavirus hit wall street and number of sectors is it a buying opportunity or not . Dont miss that, quick break then large explosion of in california sparks massive fire, freeways near los angeles temporarily closed baby yoda blowout parents fighting to get hands on hasbros hottest toy sold out back on store shelves at some point. Well tell you when. Stay with us. Everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. Its surprising how the bigger a city gets. The smaller it starts to feel. Which makes it even more surprising, how big it feels in here. With sliding rear seats. And more available second row legroom than say. A chevy suburban. This is the completely reimagined 2020 ford escape. Apps except work. Rywhere. Why is that . Is it because people love filling out forms . Maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much Vacation Time they have. Or sending corporate their expense reports. Ill let you in on a little secret. They dont. By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com tto examine investmentgo opportunities firsthand, maria welcome back. Markets still wrestling with coronavirus mixed market volatile all morning dow futures negative again, the Dow Jones Industrial average down 2 points nasdaq up 14, s p up 3 and 3 4 very much situation all three major indices searching for direction a beatinging this week dow erased all gains in 2020 global stocks oil prices slipping investors government officials try to assess spread potential impact across the world joining us right now federated investors chief investment officer, steven, thanks so much for joining us. Thanks for having me. Thank you for being here what do you want to do what do you want to tell investors. Telling people it is very hard to call a bottom in markets like this this is a correction long overdo talking about a 5 to 10 pullback if you look at areas of the markets should you like here they are down more than 10 already only because of the big rally in bonds that you know bond like parts of the markets are doing okay. But you take that out, the real stocks all the big tech leaders are down, industrials, airlines financials, the stocks you probably want to own second half reacceleration we think is in the cards for sure now, you are you get slingshot going on virus recovery. Higher eel yielded he hammered. Have you been underweight. We have been a bond guys conservative on that feel upsidedownside is not there a rather have money in equities at this point you werent getting paid to take a lot of risk in high yield debt, there is not a lot of upside only downside so it is harder to be ambitious here off levels somewhere in here equities are going to do better by the end of the year we are telling people leg in, we put a point in yesterday minus 10 on whole market about that a couple percent probably put another point in. We think leg he go into the stocks that are going to do best in second half recovery there is a lot of things in place here, for second half recovery, and by the summer, the worries about virus should have passed worries i guess passed by then. Next couple weeks if you are a trader hiding cash in gold we are not traders i think that is a hard way to make money i would rather say, you know if you are long stay long, certainly dont sell here. Were long, then were adding i mean cash on the side, now is time to put it back to work. Maria kro we leave it there steve great to see you. Thank you so much, from federated Airline Stocks south coronavirus outbreak, fears on wall street there. Theres a company thats talked to even more real people than me jd power. 448,134 to be exact. They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. Coronavirus fears gripping markets Kristina Partsinevelos on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange this is on airlines not having easy go. No often you see travel stocks really get hit when any type of Global Development comes up even though past five years you had a lot of especially Airline Executives say we are more consistent we should not be first to go once bad news hits wires we are seeing today is a little bit uptick after two very, very rough days for the airlines, for example, delta hit 4month low yesterday you can see climbing fairly high 51. 25 in premarket trading. We talk about some Domestic Airlines southwest and spirit, southwest has near market hit spirit domestically focused, then airlines, sorry not Airlines Talk about crisis two largest publicly trades carnival royal caribbean, some say a lot of people on one boat when sick spreads quickly we know about Carnival Cruise had to stay onboard quite sometime seven norwegian pick up off yesterday. Yesterday massive slowly today a little bit of uptick same applies to booking web sites followed by Hotels Prices for expedia, booking holdings for a lot of good deals i was speaking with traders wanting to to milan 413 kayak. Com last but have not least boeing the reason there could be a slowdown most specifically from china when they delay putting in orders, and some of the parts get delayed because they get made in china some parts boeing as well as airbus, starting to see uptick maria thank you markets, near highs now, up 79 points dow industrials right now, coming up 2020 dems squaring off in South Carolina last night taking aim at socialist Bernie Sanders as the aahead of the primary can can he hold frontrunner status baby yoda blowout parents fighting to get hands on hasbros hottest toys sold out. We tell you where you can get one and when back on store shelves right after this. And they lived happily ever after. The end. The end might not be as happy as you think. After all, 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom is a stroke but the good news is you can rewrite your ending and get screened for stroke and cardiovascular disease. Life line screening is the easy and affordable way to make you aware of undetected Health Problems before they hurt you. We use Ultrasound Technology to literally look inside your arteries for plaque that builds up as you age and increases your risk for stroke and heart disease. So if youre over 40, call to schedule an appointment for five painless screenings that go beyond annual checkups. And if you call us today, youll only pay 149an over 50 savings. Read it again, papa . Sure. Ive got plenty of time. Life line screening. The power of prevention. Call now to learn more. Maria welcome back. Good wednesday morning. Thanks sko much for joining is i am maria bartiromo. Wednesday, february 26 jampacked newsday this morning, top stories 8 31 a. M. East coast markets backandforth taking wild swings this morning, in and out of positive territory, we are solidly in positive territory now dow industrials up 101 points high of the morning, this is about a third of one percent higher nasdaq up 49 points s p right now, up 14 1 2,1 2 a percent on top of two days steep losses markets lost 1. 7 trillion dollars in value in that twoday period. Take a look at yields Interest Rates having dropped to record lows yesterday, we are looking at a bounce this morning, the yield 10 year bouncing off a record low now sitting at 1. 369 overseas markets under pressure selloff continues in europe, as coronavirus spreads, france reporting first death ft 100 down 20 points cac quarante down 6, 2 points cac quarante dax in germany down 25 this is, of course, live so it will change in the middle of the read, in asia overnight across the Board Hong Kong has announced giving each of its permanent residents 18 and over more than 1200 dollars appease part of a stimulus package announced this bold budget yesterday includes money to residents to try to stop the recessionary environment they are in recession no hong kong massive refinery fire in california Cheryl Casone o explosions lit up sky over Los Angeles Fires so massive trespasserly closed down busy 405 freeway at marathon refinery in carson visible for miles that plant near long beach not clear what triggered those blasts. Smollett ready to fight or day says talking to tmz about second round criminal charges facing in chicago. He says he is innocent that truth is is best defense, he has pleaded ng untiliot guilty. Apple joining focuses j j going to use iphone apple watch to track americans 65 older three year study looking at whether devices can reduce the risk of stroke, by detecting irregularly heartbeat we heard stories of apple watch saving lives. Patience you must have i throughed if you want a baby yoda have animatronic version of mandalorian character sold out delivers for must have toy not expected until December Maria before holidays i will get my i dont do ooh voice in order for you, back to you. He is cute, that doll thank you. There is president ial candidates on democrat side facing off last night in have debate stage, Griff Jenkins live in charleston South Carolina with highlighted by sparks fly. Reporter insure died good morning, maria. It was messy there was yelling, shouting, butn amidst chaos one thing clear sense every urgency is not separation on part of all other candidates to stop the Bernie Sanders momentum, they all lined up taking best shots, watch. Vladimir putin thks donald trump should be president of the United States why russia is helping i get elected. Oh. Oi think i would make better president than better than snooe if you think last four years has been chaotic imagine spending better part of 2020 with Bernie Sanders, versus donald trump. Bernie sanders analysis is right. I dont like his solutions. Bernie hasnt passed much of anything. It matters if you can actually get things done. I have been hearing my name mentioned a little bit tonight [laughter] i wonder why. Sanders attacked 33 times seemed relishing attention getting but biden showed up most an matdz passionate has gaffes listen to this. People know me my entire career, has been wrapped up in this dealing with civil rights Civil Liberties i intend to win South Carolina i will win African American vote in South Carolina. If you dont win South Carolina will you continue i will win South Carolina. Find out in three days bidens lead has narrowed to 4 points latest poll bloomberg returned, in performances attacked by Elizabeth Warren pick up endorsement from boston globepaper sitting sites on super tuesday massachusetts comes into play. Maria thank you so much what a night we keep coming back to you as news develops joining us right now 32 advisers founder ceo former economic adviser to president obama fox news contributing robert wolf great to see you. Greet to see you. You were saying you were with president obama when you went to cuba what do you think about Bernie Sanders and what he says i mean look, lets just say what journal wrote the issues of voters today is what it says about mr. Sanders even after so many years cruel evidence he still feels compelled to insist a Silver Lining to. You get best part of something bad i thought 60 minutes not great interview for him i dont find what he said to be that accurate last night, because obama was not supportive of castro, march 2016 in cuba just the opposite the there was about literally bringing new Civil Liberties progress to cuba about human rights getting economy back. Didnt look like that doing the wave, remember that. By the way, i went with a group of cubans werent there over 50 years, so it was more like an Independence Day that being said i dont think bernie was factual. I dont want to bureau headlines what did you think. Much rather talk about all green arrows, i thought that i am not surprised, it was a lot of young screaming only because weve seen nonstop this is tenth won also a been a lot of yelling and screaming this is last one, you know before super tuesday actually for 2 1 2 weeks, we saw with klobuchar winning New Hampshire warren doing well in nevada how it can help someone. Dagen didnt win in haefrs you said amy won New Hampshire. Won debate of New Hampshire. I thinked biens best night i think going o to win South Carolina or get clieborn endorsement in super tuesday with momentum pete had strong night, still four, five moderates running, the silent majority. One we are coalescing around better than is going to continue to be to attribute runner will probably have a plurality possibly more than that you thinked bien upsets support of Minority Community South Carolina, talking black voters to represent twothirds of the democratic prior electorate, joining me on sunday morning futures sunday said President Trump seeing rising plarment among minorities and that is going to spell trouble for him. I think every poll you look at shows i dont care leftleaning or right leaning poll show black support for donald trump has increased that is a detrimental threat to a Democrat Party cannot afford to to lose even five points of brak vote or else entire party is finished. No question the diversity of the Democratic Party is important for us to win nomination that being said we are 8 months from election i dont like to predict where future is going we have to mike sure we have best candidate to go against President Trump, and i am not so sure that will happen, because, you know, the field has not been winnowed so literally 65 party is moderate or 60 . And there being split between four people. Dagen bloomberg can do a lot to go after Bernie Sanders he land adfew blows last night certainly he did better because after a face plant you have nowhere to go but up after last debate done some damage a note to bloomberg you cant buy a sense of humor not even with 64 billion dollars. As my kids tell me dad you are just not funny, should have told mayor bloomberg that last night. Takes out it be russia stuff off the shelve come on. It was a better night for him when he talks about the coronavirus education i think actually is when he is at best he. The problem i know mayor bloomberg on attack dog with bernie 22 moderate lane takes from 60 , so if he is not the candidate, and joe is not the candidate, mayor pete is not doing to be the candidate klobuchar not going to be candidate because splitting 60 , dont anyone be upset when bernie becomes candidate because who should get out of the way. I think most should get out of the way i think time for wear down to a couple populists versus a couple moderates all progressive this idea one more interest of on that other they are all progressive we have a populist, bernie warn each moderate part of the party left one or two tw each side let them really go have a policies debate not of advertisement on i was thinking last night all fighting attacking each other i came away from debate i still dont know what anybody stands for other than medicare for all Green New Deal mayor bloomberg gun reform all they did was fight. You have and i have been for years a year on this primary season we agree day one they are all for gun refor them all for Immigration Reform for health care as a right all for raising taxes. They are. Is it tax reform. Increasing, what i have been trillions of disregards i am giving you a softball here, Climate Change not hearing enough about what they are doing for the economy i think that that is where we are going to have to have real debate that has been President Trumps strength, i believe if i was debating i could have that debate with the president , but they have to show they can have debate because i am not one debating. Fix aitdz misrepresent many economy that is not going to resonate with swing voters he particularly seen fortunes reverse past couple years. We have seen pongs decide how they want to make something we think black and white very i agree. Has president obama spoken with Bernie Sanders according to about Bernie Sanders this economy stinks according to president obama he built that. Have they like they are not on the same page. You know as you snow over my decade with president obama including last weekend at nbi tend not to talk about. Dagen or brag my prop set me up for that here is what i would say. President two things, one dont be a circular firing squad they havent listened to that we dont need a revolution thvnt listened to that two main things talked about i think states his case. Spoton insight as always. Talk about green arrows going up that is most important thing, how about that. 83 points on dow industrials, we need it, loss 1. Trillion dollars market value. Look where it is today traders new day every day. Exactly right to studio b, Stuart Varney there host of Varney Company preparing for show top of the hour i know you you are looking at green arrows stu. I have been listening to robert i would love more green aeros, straight out got to do it i think two big stories today, obviously, the biggest is the market and virus i think this market looking for a bottom, that is extremely difficult in a headline driven market you dont know what next headlined is going to be President Trump holds that nice conference i think 6 pm eastern maybe pause in the market as we wait to see what the president has to say. The other big story, as you have been discussing maria obviously, the debate, i found it really disappointing that there was no real questioning on the impact of much higher taxes, on the economy. Overly it was chaotic i dont think voters learned very much at all. Disappointing in the extreme that is my show today maria. That is big one stu we are going to be there see you 150 minutes. You will thank you. Thank you so much top of the hour Varney Company, coming up a fashion mogul Office Raided by fbi we have the very latest on this investigation, then a whole new world for Disney Bob Iger hands over keys to the Magic Kingdom how it is moving stock who is taking over. All that when we come back. This week mornings with maria tomorrow our favorite physician back dr. Mik with the very latest Health Wellness news. And then friday, austin hottest jobs market mayor adler here we answer all questions that matter to you, time to ask maria already here on mornings with maria. Sp. 448,134 to be exact. They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. Wthats why xfinity hasu made taking your internetself. 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So if youre over 40, call to schedule an appointment for five painless screenings that go beyond annual checkups. And if you call us today, youll only pay 149an over 50 savings. Read it again, papa . Sure. Ive got plenty of time. Life line screening. The power of prevention. Call now to learn more. Maria a major shakeup at happiest place on earth bob iger stepping down Effective Immediately staying on as executive chairman at Disney Bob Chapek who served as chairman of disney parks of replace iger as ceo immediately that is big story surprised everybody dagen. Dagen timing of this was poor. That you do it on a day comes out of the blue. You do it on a day that the market is deep in two day selloff could be three we have to wait and see disney employees didnt even get an internal email about this major change in leadership, until more than an hour after the company sent out a press release seems rushed, i think that they are going to have to explain the why now of all this have can try to tap dance around it but raifrs a lot of questions does it give your success as you say or bob chapek a smooth runaway in days months to come people think something was going on that they werent told about. Look to be sure they did announce he is going to step down at some point. And that he was renewing contract until end of 2021 nobody was expecting i am out Effective Immediately. I dont think we can rule out the fact not running for president he has not ruled out himself, when asked in the past he was writing a book last year, he had broader ambitions. Or smels else maybe a deal a debate disagreement over strategy at disney. I dont know. We have investor day i think wanted to get ahead of investor day, so that can have something to do with timing, the reason unknown timing mitch the investor day set a year ago. Right. They knew investor day so what was said okay. Lets get this out before investor day . Something happened last couple weeks. Other than couple down days in market still in headlines but we have been covering it they keep raising the prize of disney world. When i read news i just i remembered the days of the Michael Isner ike off its debacle quadrupled under eisner astonishing what he has been able to do very integration major imagine. Stock reinvested dividends disney total return unr iger 551 or 13. 9 youthfuled compares s p 500 up 244 reinvest dividends 9 annualized return so well under iger, acquisitions, pixar marvelr 21st century fox, lucasfilms look at acquisitions that really have led to this incredible growth at disney. One thing we have said repeatedly content is king their controlling the content, for a big big audience. Consumer tastes are fickle he had his finger on pulse year after year after year a collection of pristine assets. Interesting in time parks under pressure because of coronavirus because sentiments changing relatively prices going up people still going, it is interesting that the person in charge of parks is now new ceo, perhaps that was a hedge against what is coming news on parks for the year i dont know but keep an eye on that even though disney is obviously, very strong company. You said earlier has nearly three decades with company. New york city or disney world you know coronavirus comes here it is going to be a problem. Sure as hell would rather be at disney world. Cdc said it is coming we should prepare for pandemic fashion mogul Office Raideded by fbi very latest on that investigation right after this. , our analysts visit thousands of companies, in a multitude of countries, where we get to know the people that drive a companys growth and gain new perspectives. Thats why we go beyond the numbers. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. As someone with hearing loss i know what a confusing and frustrating experience getting hearing aids can be. Thats why i founded lively. Affordable, highquality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. I use lively hearing aids and its been wonderful. Its so light and so small but its a fraction of the cost of the other devices. They cost thousands less. Its insanely user friendly. You take the hearing test online, the doctor programs in the settings. You dont even need to go into an office. Theyre delivered to your door in a few days and youre up and running in no time. 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Fashion raid, the fbi along with new York City Police officers stormed the headquarters of fashion mogul Peter Nygards company yesterday as part of a sex trafficking investigation. Nygard is under investigation after several women accused the 78yearold of sexually assaulting them, at his estate in the bahamas. Joining us is former new jersey prosecutor and detective and officer, anthony pope. Great to see you. What happened and tell us what is behind this. Well, look, you have two billionaires that have been fighting with each other for some time. They live in the bahamas. Their total wealth probably exceeds the Gross National product and the budget of the bahamas itself. So they have been fighting and now theres a lawsuit that was filed recently by ten women claiming that nygard had lured them into his home in the bahamas and they were there for purposes of having sex. So hes the one who is fueling this maria the two billionaires are nygard and louis bacon. Exactly. Hes the one apparently now, bacon, thats funding this. But there is a lawsuit thats been filed. Based on that lawsuit, the fbi got involved and they interviewed these women. Apparently they feel theres probable cause enough to have the search warrants, go into his headquarters, search for anything thats related to sex trafficking at all, and the Southern District is obviously controlling the investigation. So it seems like it may have some legs, thats for sure. Maria wow. The women charge that crimes took place in the bahamas, but can the cases be tried elsewhere like in new york . Sure. Under the mann act which was established in 1912 and has evolved since then, if you transport a male or female out of the country or in any other state for that matter, and you do it for an illegal purpose, they can prosecute you in new york, in the Southern District would be able to do that. Maria where do you think this is going . You know, after the weinstein conviction, i think its emboldened the prosecution and rightfully so. If these allegations are true, they should be prosecuted. I think you will see more of it. You have the epstein situation, weinstein, now nygard, who has ten women accusing him of this. That predatory law that exists in new york, which unfortunately, well, fortunately or unfortunately, depending on your perspective, was not weinstein was not convicted of, its a heavy lift for the prosecution but i certainly see them attempting it again as we go forward. They are not going to stop with it. Maria fascinating stuff. Thank you so much. Great to have you this morning. Come back. Anthony pope joining us there. Look, we had an incredibly busy news days. The cdc telling us to prepare for a pandemic on the way. A market that is volatile as ever, given the two days of losses, almost 2 trillion in losses. Then of course, the debate last night. Right. In terms of politics, i think nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer need to stop using 2700 people dead, 80,000 people infected with the coronavirus for their own political gain and try to scare the American People and lay it on President Trump. Its disgraceful. We will see this week, the president has sent a budget request to the hill to try and create funds to combat the coronavirus. Hopefully congress can get back together. Maria its inadequate, according to nancy pelosi. We got green arrows. Thats all im saying. Maria green arrows. Start your morning tomorrow once again with us. I will speak with ohio senator rob portman, former White House Press secretary sarah sanders. Varney company kicks off right now. Stuart good morning, maria. Good morning, everyone. The virus is spreading. Governments are imposing lockdowns and travel restrictions. And people the world over are very anxious to avoid anyone who may have been in contact with a virus carrier. The market, extreme volatility after a near 2,000 point drop for the dow just in the last two days. Lets start with the spreading virus. A u. S. Soldier in south korea has tested positive. He is being quarantined in his offbase residence. Hes the First Service member known to have been infected. Here at home, an american taken off the dia

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