The text notes that while writing on tablets had been developed at that stage, the use of envelopes to hide their contents had not perhaps luckily for Sargon.In some ways, the representation of new technologies in cuneiform literature echoes contemporary concerns about AI fears of increasing social inequalities and its potential use in cyberwarfare.The future of history Studying the past can deepen our understanding of how humans have adapted to modern technology over thousands of years.
To begin with,
Anunnaki translates to “princely blood” or “seed of Anu”, not “those who came down” or “those who came from heaven to earth”, as many modern sources have claimed. The Anunnaki are “the Sumerian deities of the old primordial time;” a pantheon of gods who were the children of the sky god Anu and his sister, Ki. Significantly, some scholars have come to realize that the Anunnaki should more appropriately be considered demi-gods or
semi-divine beings. Apparently, Anu’s sister Ki was not originally considered a deity and was only ascribed the status of a goddess much later in the history of the myth cycle.