president as he was leaving the rose garden, some about michael cohen, as i did earlier. and i should also note, there was no press briefing here at the white house, so no public setting to ask the white house questions, to have them on the record here at the white house today, beyond what i did during that meeting in the oval office. no, that was the only thing, and as you point out, in the rose garden, people are yelling out questions about, oh, michael cohen and vladimir putin, the exact same topics that you had asked when you were the only representative for the broadcast media. okay. kaitlan, thank you very much. i want to go now to paul begala, democratic strategist, former white house counselor to president clinton and jason miller who worked in communications for trump when he was the senior kmaun communics adviser for the trump campaign. so paul, what do you make about the white house s actions here and bill shine, who is the person who called her in and had the meeting and
bolton releasing a statement, well-established russian saying, quote, the president interference, not just in america s democracy, but on all believes that the next bilateral western democracies, as a matter meeting with president putin should take place after the of fact. look, the indictments that the russia witch hunt is over. so we ve agreed that it will be special counsel, director after the first of the year. mueller, issued for the 12 uniformed members of the russian now, we don t know whether the russians have agreed to that or intelligence services is a master piece of criminal not, they haven t said. but after the first of the year investigation. and i confidently predicted it is a big change from this fall, will go down in the history which is what the white house books as such. announced on twitter. to be able to trace their names, so why is this meeting suddenly on ice? well, our jeff zeleny asked. recreate the paper trail, as it were, is brilliant detective mr. presiden
pruitt met with pebble and then settled the lawsuits. when cnn revealed that meeting, there was an outcry in alaska. most fishermen, tribes, even governor bill walker are opposed to the mine, and senator lisa murkowski said she would never trade salmon for gold. but northern dynasty refuses to give up. the latest plan includes a 100-mile natural gas pipeline to power the mine. it would run past that active volcano into a massive port system here on this beach. imagine ships and semitrucks instead of bears and foxes. and then a 35-mile road through some of the most pristine wilderness in the state. since scott pruitt resigned amid scandal, the new man in charge of the epa is andrew wheeler, a former lobbyist at one of pebble mine s law firms. he declined a request for an interview. this is in the roosevelt room, and that s gore and clinton. reporter: but the ceo of pebble was happy to talk.
between, asking hard questions there s a lot of evidence there. and i think there s a lot of reason for trump to be concerned of the secretary of state, about about all of those years and all this very important matter. in other words, they were that evidence. attempting to fulfill their asha, here s the thing. nobody looks good in this who s constitutional responsibility for oversight and to hold the involved with it. let me just be honest about president accountable for this that. but the president tweeted earlier today, in part, what kind of lawyer would tape a virtually unprecedented action. as you point out, it was client, so sad. democrats and republicans that is this a first? we just saw there, even in those never heard of it before. he has a point. clips, which michelle just lawyers are not supposed to do played. this, asha. look, to all of us, what what type of lawyer secretly happened in that meeting between putin and trump is a complete records conversations with clients
but the proposed second meeting that was supposed to be this exact same piece of tape. fall according to the president so you slowed it down, and i is not going to happen this want to play what you did so year. they re saying it s being put on viewers can hear. ice until after the beginning of the year when the quote, russian so what are we going to pay, witch hunt is over. do you buy that excuse? so, i don t think the first funding? meeting should have happened, yes. given the context with where we and it s all the stuff all are with russia right now. the stuff. because here, you never know but secondly, i m not at all where that company, never where convinced that there was ever going to be a meeting second he s going to be. meeting. you know, the president has a maybe he gets hit by a truck. correct. so i m all over that. and i spoke to allen about it. when it comes time for the financing, which will be wait a sec, what financing? we ll have to pay pay with cas