In an effort to conserve resources over the holidays, every year, The University of New Mexico and Facilities Management (FM) implements the Winter Setback Program. Between Dec. 22 –Jan.1, UNM Facility Management, in collaboration with Lobo Energy, will.
The University of New Mexico Bookstores are celebrating Homecoming Week, Oct. 16-21, with a 25% discount on all Lobowear and Spirit Merchandise, online and in-store, all week long. Whether you're looking for Lobo apparel, tailgate items, or gifts, this.
Starting Sept. 1, and continuing throughout the football and basketball seasons, Game Day Fridays are the perfect opportunity for Lobos to showcase their team spirit in style. Every Friday, shop at the UNM Bookstores, both on-campus and online, and.
To conserve resources over the break, every year The University of New Mexico and Facilities Management (FM) implements the Winter Setback Program. This winter break will be the 15th year that select campus buildings will have their temperatures.
The biggest football game of the 2022 athletics season is right around the corner and the University of New Mexico is preparing to launch a week of festivities. The UNM Homecoming football game is scheduled to take place Oct. 22, at University stadium..