Werent all excited about voting for roy moore once this came out, even a weak endorsement from trump might get those people excited. Alabama is very much trump country. Reporter no one here seems to think that trumps backing is any game changer, not in a state where voters take pride in putting a thumb in the eye of the establishment, even the republican establishment. Even if all of these allegations were proven definitively to be positive, i would still vote for him over doug jones. What were getting nationally is, oh, alabamans would vote for a pedophile over a liberal democrat. In this circumstance, yes. Reporter now lets get to the bad news coming out of the Roy Moore Campaign and that is the Communications Director, thats john rodgers, suddenly called it quits. The campaign is trying to downplay this, saying this was a decision they reached last friday. However, they also say its because of the intense Media Scrutiny that they felt they needed a more experienced hand
in the commu
Weve seen over the past nine months that people like the aca. We had overwhelming support for it. Its interesting to see these issues that if you were to ask someone how you feel about people going and getting an education or having health care, those are pretty evergreen. Martha heres the problem with that. A moral document, you say. Some people think its immoral to have 20 trillion in debt and some people feel like their tax dollars when they get sent to washington are being wasted. For them, they find, perhaps, a different kind of immorality in the way we pay taxes on the way the money is spent. Whats more about me paying 17,000 in land taxes . This is where the job is. Why should i have to move . The burden should not be on such a small percentage of people. The problem in our country now, the tinkerers are outnumbering the makers. We are doomed to socialism. Im sitting here as a Graduate Student and what im hearing is my income has apparently tripled and you say the takers are goi
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