If there was such a thing as a state sport, New Mexico would likely choose hot air ballooning. The Land of Enchantment offers a unique combination of mountains, desert, high
Every day is a historic day, as this column will attest. In the world of science, what has happened on this day? Here’s just a glimpse of some of the milestones, big and small, that have occurred on this date. To start things off, here’s a little quiz: What common item found in any toolbox, was patented by Solymon Merrick on August 17 in 1835?
Yost s historic solo flight in 1960 set the stage for the creation of a sport that has blossomed in almost unimaginable ways and rooted itself in New Mexico s high desert.
Editor’s note: The last Sunday of each month, Journal Arts Editor Adrian Gomez tells the stories behind some of the hidden gems you can see across the state in “Gimme