work requirements. but a lot of democrats say those work requirements are a red line. it could cost swing seat lawmakers in 2024 they warn. democrats say this whole crisis is manufactured, the only reason it is a problem is because republicans needed a political ax to swing at the democratic president they argue pointing to matt gaetz. he admitted they say, he called the debt ceiling his, quote, hostage. punch bowl has reported hakeem jeffries is conveying that message to the white house while also assuring house dems the white house is listening. at the same time punch bowl says jeffries is warning the white house they can t assume that they will have the 80 to 100 democratic votes they will need. so let s ask again as it becomes increasingly likely that kevin mccarthy and president biden will come to a deal, who can they count on to vote for it? joining me now is kayla tausche and also garrett haake. so kayla, where is the president going this weekend, is he going to camp d
Finlay®, a global leader in mobile crushing, screening, and conveying equipment, is set to unveil new electric variants of the I-120RS impact crusher and the 883+ scalping screen at Hillhead 2.
Downstairs in the Singleton Theatre, things are positively loopy. Or rather brilliantly looping, as a young, Latina music-maker sets about crafting a mixed tape of her life in the hip-hop-influenced “Where Did We Sit on the Bus?,” directed by Matt Dickson. It runs through June 2.