masked person to take their job? will yankee stadium have a mask day and will hollywood have movies where masked all the time? will there be a groundbreaking tv series in which two mask people kiss? and face basis protection with the unmasked. when you walk into a restaurant when you get a choice of sitting in a mask or unmasked section? will darth vader be there condi? will slipknot receive the medal of honor? will the hamburg work be given for all? and what a bucket head. you don t know who bucket head is so i won t ask. this is how it works. identify a group and target the oppressor and blew everything out of proportion to make rare events seem ubiquitous. hey, why didn t you hold the door open for me, you jerk. because i m wearing a mask. i m sorry, i didn t see you
As the coronavirus pandemic continues after nearly a year, these encounters serve as a warning to the public: Lingering tensions over local facial covering orders can escalate to criminal court, where a jail sentence is possible.