/PRNewswire/ On Monday, January 31st, Spartan Medical Inc., the trusted resource for advanced medical technologies and biologics with over 14 years of.
Senator Griffith joins GoVAX ambassador team Shawna De La Rosa | Apr 5, 2021
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Maryland Department of Health Acting Secretary Dennis R. Schrader said Griffith’s visibility and service record make her an important addition to the GoVAX team.
At only an 11% vaccination rate, Prince George’s has the lowest second-dose per capita vaccination rate in the state, according to figures by the Maryland Department of Health.
“[Griffith is important] not only as an ambassador, but as an advocate for Prince George’s and all Marylanders during this unprecedented time.”
Griffith weighs in during a public service announcement that is airing on television and will soon be launched on social media. Griffith says: