Well. Since 1999 more than 700,000 people have died from a Drug Overdose in the United States. Increased opioid addiction and a production of deadly synthetic opioids have exasperated american staggering overdosed death rate. In 2017, more than 70000 people died from Drug Overdoses making it the leading cause of injury related death in the United States. Of those, 60 involve prescription opioids and illicit opioid such as fentanyl. Americans fared no better against Opioid Epidemic in 2018 when more than 10 Million People aged 12 or older of abused opioid in 2 Million People suffered from an opioid use disorder and on average 130 americans died each day from an opioid openers. We did not know that some cost and disrupted lives or untimely deaths from widespread misuse of prescription and nonprescription opioids but we know from our family, our neighbors and our friend who bear the enduring lost loved ones that the opio crisis is not over. We must continue contending with this crisis. Th
Note a quorum is present. We we will hear testimony from e department of education implementation of borrowed eventual. Pursuant to commingle 7c statements are limited to the chair and Ranking Member. I want to thank secretary devos of being with us today and thank her for a green to hold enough time in the schedule all of the members present to have amendments confinements of questions pursuant to house rules. Especially thankful because this cheer im exercise my prerogative to go last in question order so it she were to leave early i wouldnt get to ask questions. I want to thank you for agreeing to stay with us for the fulltime. I recognize myself enough for the purpose of making an opening statement. We are here to examine the department of educations implementation of the borrower defense rule. I want to thank you, madam secretary, for appearing before the committee to discuss this important issue. Borrower defense is a rule grounded in basic fairness. Student borrowers who are def
Freemen Freeman Hrabowski , i want to get your take on what is going on in the country in colleges. Thats a great question because it is everyones mind right now. More we know about situations, the more we realize we need to reflect and think carefully about options and strategies. The less we know the more quickly we want to jump and do something. So we are going through a period now, similar to others, the vietnam war where people had different points of view, lots of students protests, we have gone through student protests before on issues. We need to educate our students and ourselves more about the issues of the middle east. The one time of brown and carnegie said if there was one course every student should take, it would be comparative religion because we would understand the ways in which we are similar and different so my message to colleagues in talking with them is there is no right side or wrong side, there are issues somewhere in the middle that we so quickly can judge peo
Freemen Freeman Hrabowski , i want to get your take on what is going on in the country in colleges. Thats a great question because it is everyones mind right now. More we know about situations, the more we realize we need to reflect and think carefully about options and strategies. The less we know the more quickly we want to jump and do something. So we are going through a period now, similar to others, the vietnam war where people had different points of view, lots of students protests, we have gone through student protests before on issues. We need to educate our students and ourselves more about the issues of the middle east. The one time of brown and carnegie said if there was one course every student should take, it would be comparative religion because we would understand the ways in which we are similar and different so my message to colleagues in talking with them is there is no right side or wrong side, there are issues somewhere in the middle that we so quickly can judge peo
Freemen Freeman Hrabowski , i want to get your take on what is going on in the country in colleges. Thats a great question because it is everyones mind right now. More we know about situations, the more we realize we need to reflect and think carefully about options and strategies. The less we know the more quickly we want to jump and do something. So we are going through a period now, similar to others, the vietnam war where people had different points of view, lots of students protests, we have gone through student protests before on issues. We need to educate our students and ourselves more about the issues of the middle east. The one time of brown and carnegie said if there was one course every student should take, it would be comparative religion because we would understand the ways in which we are similar and different so my message to colleagues in talking with them is there is no right side or wrong side, there are issues somewhere in the middle that we so quickly can judge peo