department s proposed redactions. reinhart said the feds met the burden of showing why parts of the affidavit should not be disclosed to the public. house republican greg steubey says he is not expecting any real answers today or ever. listen. that s going to be the most redacted affidavit in american history. the more they redact the less the american people will understand why the f.b.i. felt they needed to raid the former president s home. we aren t going to get real answers to a lot of this until the republicans take the majority back and we have the ability of oversight and bring in the d.o.j. and ask them the tough questions. let s go to david spunt with late breaking details. we re waiting looking at the docket here and we know we are going to see the affidavit but may not be the affidavit everybody wants to see with all the juicy details. that affidavits typically have. this affidavit would have those details. we won t see that version. we ll seal the one with r
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