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Time and now its my time with you as we mark 63 days until americans head to the polls. And today let us begin The Faulkner Focus countdown clock to november 8th. President Biden Lashing out at his political opponents saying he hopes to hold onto his partys slim majority on capitol hill. Critics labeling him as dividing biden after his speeches in key Battleground States like wisconsin. It is only an hour show so we just drilled out some highlights. President biden i want to be very clear up front. Not every republican is a maga republicans but the extreme maga republicans in congress have chosen to go backwards full of anger, violence, hate, division. Extreme maga republicans dont just threaten our personal rights and economic security, they embrace political violence. Im not talking about the extreme maga republicans. Think about it. Think about it. Harris republicans know how to fight back. You have to call your Opposition Names when you got nothing else to point to. We went from safe streets to record crime. We went from a secure border to no border. We went from 2 gas to 5 gas and stable prices to record inflation. He can do that but i dont think it sells. Harris peter doocy live at the white house. Harris, we noticed something while we were out on the Campaign Trail with President Biden yesterday for some labor day events. He is testing out two different names for his political rivals. There is maga republicans and now trumpies. President biden biggest contrast from what maga republicans, the extreme right, the trumpies, they want to go these maga republicans in congress are coming for your Social Security as well. Now, by the way, as i said, you might think im making some of this stuff up it is so outrageous. Some republicans say he is making it up. He was referring to senator rick scotts proposal to require congress to vote every few years to reauthorize every law on the books including Social Security. He is going the lie about it. What i believe is we have to do everything we can to preserve medicare, preserve Social Security. Make sure theyre lasting programs. Thats why i believe Congress Every year ought to tell the American Public what they will do to make sure these programs survive. The democrats dont want any conversation. 74 million americans backed trump over biden in 2020. And the Press Secretary now at the white house is suggesting the ultramaga label could, based on the following comment, make those 74 million americans extremists. So when you are not with where majority of americans are, then, you know, that is extreme. That conflicts with what the president told me on friday that he doesnt blame anyone for supporting trump just because they liked his ideology. 2016 and 2020 the way the president reasoned were both held based more on issues and not about the january 6 capitol riots. Harris all right, peter doocy. Thank you very much. Jason chaffetz Fox News Contributor former republican congressman for the state of utah. Welcome to the focus as always. So if you are winning, why is it necessary to show that you as a president of the United States hate not just the lawmakers but also the voters on the other side from your party . Oh, i think they know that they are not winning. When most of the country, the overwhelming majority of the country knows you are on the wrong track, that doesnt bode well for democrats. Like jim jar done said. What issue will they run on other than the Scorched Earth lets burn it to the ground vilify everybody and try to scare people away from the polls. I dont think it will work. I think it is mildly effective for his own base. But it just means they are not talking about issues that Everyday Americans care about. Harris can we break it down . The president is making it personal. This is personal. This isnt just that you dont agree with him. As a person of color i felt this before. Remember when he said as a candidate if youre black and you dont vote for me you arent really black . This is personal for him to call names for people who dont necessarily agree with him, to show disrespect. Lets call it what it is. It is hatefulness. My question is, is it strategy for the commanderinchief to do this . Are they looking at some data or polling . Remember, jason, this didnt work for hillary clinton. Lets watch. You could put half of Trump Supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. Harris your response. You know, joe biden is a bitter man. He has always campaigned like this. When he referred to mitt romney, who was hardly a maga republican, as somebody who would put you back in chains. This has always been the tactic of joe biden. He used it in an extreme effort time and time again. It is just who he is. I think he is very bitter and desperate and i dont think he knows what else to do. He is defaulting to his core, which is lashing out at people. Harris so if you look historically, this is an opportunity for republicans because when you are name calling, as we all taught our children at young ages, you are out of ideas. He is old. Is he out of ideas . Then republicans can take advantage of that. How so, jason . Well, i think america is desperate for direction. Unfortunately i do think with all due respect i think donald trump is the loudest voice in the room. Democrats want this to be all about donald trump. But it is not. Its about issues that people really care about. Right now the Republican Leadership is a little weak in coming back and getting up in the grill of the democrats in expressing this. You dont hear the Minority Leader of the United States senate out there pounding the table explaining to people why joe biden is wrong. He is virtually silent and over there blaming republican candidates. They better get their act together. 63 days left, as you said. They have to get out there and make the case. Harris you know what . It seems short sighted for democrats to make this about trump. I understand what youre saying. Lets say for the sake of it, it is about him. He came up with a vaccine the very virus that was killing people all over the world including america to slow down that process to give us more time. Right . What did this president do . Promised to shut it down and lit it on fire. We had more deaths in the first year of his presidency than we had in the previous 18 to 19 months since the whole thing broke out. Thats just one example. Dont bring up the baby formula, policies at the southern border. So even if they do make it about trump, it is still not good for the other side. Last click and well move on. I think the question to the democrats, the opponents is what policy do you disagree with on donald trump . What policy . And then have that debate. Harris i bet a lot of people are missing 1. 99 gas. Well move on. A federal judge has approved former president trumps request for a Special Master to review those documents that f. B. I. Agents took from his estate. The judge also temporarily blocked the Department Of Justice from reviewing or using any of that seized material for investigative purposes until the Special Masters am examines all of it or a further court order. Its a potentially explosive ruling if it holds. Let a Special Master Go through everything, identify this things that might arguably be Executive Privilege and then we can make an assessment of how much has the government used those, have they used those documents at all and how much is their investigation tainted . I dont think the Justice Department can just sit by for that. They will have to want to get the 11th circuit involved. Harris you know what i thought of . Some of those other people on Different Networks and socalled journalists doing cartwheels and gymnastics over there. Not letting the facts lead on this coverage. Tell us as former chairman of oversight, what does this level of oversight from a Special Master do for this case . First of all, its an important victory if you are team donald trump. I think the Special Master should have been put in place by the Attorney General prior. Its obvious the political Conflict Of Interest thats there. The Special Master should have been there from day one. Shame of those people making the argument that somehow some way donald trump mishandled Classified Information or mishandled requests and what not. Where were those people when i issued a subpoena on the i. R. S. Or the State Department and then they destroyed the documents . Where were those people . Talk about mishandling information. They destroyed things and put things in shredders and yet there was nothing. Just absolute silence. So they really dont have a leg to stand on. The hypocrisy is just very rich. Harris that was a word that popped into my head as you said it, hypocrisy. Thank you very much, jason chaffetz. Appreciate you. President wont help a nation under attack by drug cartels pushing fentanyl and Illegal Immigrants across our southern border but he is thirsty to try to go after votes of millions of people with a massive bailout of debt. What the experts are saying the administration flat out got wrong with this plan. Gas, groceries, everythings costing more. We could all use extra cash. If youre a veteran and own your home, youve earned a powerful benefit that can really help in uncertain times. Its your Va Home Loan Benefit. Veterans can get more cash by borrowing up to 100 of their homes value, not just 80 like some other lenders. With home values near record highs, you can have a lot more cash than you think. With the newday 100 va cash out loan, you can take out an average of 60,000 and lower your payments by 600 a month. Pay down highrate credit cards. 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Your record label is taking off. But so is your sound engineer. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire. Harris breaking news, expecting a new conference at 11 30 a. M. Eastern. A few minutes from now. Memphis police the coroner identified the body of missing heiress Eliza Fletcher. Now well hear directly from the Memphis Police on the latest in their investigation. Remember, her body was found near where she was taken, kidnapped on friday morning. The suspect Cleotha Abston appeared in court just last hour. Charles watson reporting for us in memphis. Charles. Major developments in the last couple of hours or so. What we know right now is Memphis Police confirming that the deceased individual that they found in a residential neighborhood in South Memphis monday evening is that of Memphis School teacher and mother of two Eliza Fletcher. Additionally police also confirming new charges for Cleotha Abston henderson in connection to fletchers death. He is now charged with first Degree Murder and first Degree Murder in and evidence tampering charges. We got a first look at Abston Henderson in court not long ago. He told a judge he was unable to afford an attorney. Public defender was appointed to defend him. The state request Abston Henderson 500,000 bond be revoked. Because of the new murder and kidnapping charges were not on the docket today the judge kept the bond in place and asked the prosecutors to submit a formal motion that is expected to be taken up in court at a hearing we believe at 9 00 a. M. Wednesday morning. All of this unfolding now after police say they discovered fletchers body in a residential neighborhood, as i mentioned, in South Memphis monday night. The body was located about a mile away from the Apartment Complex where abstonhenderson was allegedly seen cleaning the floors of a gmc terrain. The same black s. U. V. Fletcher was forced into on security footage as a man aggressively rushed her during an Early Morning jog on the University Of Memphis campus last friday. Abstonhenderson has a history of kidnapping. He was convicted in 2000 after Authorities Say he kidnapped a memphis lawyer at gun point and drove around with him for some time to atms, forcing him to withdraw money. That attorney has finally let free when he was able to call for help from a nearby Security Guard during that time. Abstonhenderson spent more than 20 years in prison for that crime. Now he is suspected of murder and kidnapping in this case. At least one member of fletchers family was in the courtroom today for this hearing this morning. They were holding out hope that she would make it home alive. They were offering a reward through crimestoppers of up to 50,000. But today Grim News Out from Memphis Police That Fletcher is indeed the individual that they found deceased in South Memphis late last night. Again, harris, you mentioned were expecting a Press Conference in 10 minutes and we hope to learn more about this case. Well keep an eye on it. Harris one question i would have and people are picking up on the fact he has a hyphenated last name now. His brother Mario Henderson police picked up as well. I would have lots of questions about Mario Henderson and his role in all of this. Was there any sort of, you know, assistance, accomplice, that sort of thing . Maybe theyll give us an idea why they picked him up, too. Thank you for the latest on this. Were falling a bit short. One of those areas is fast food worker. A bill that empowers our workers, particularly in that sector, giving them more voice. Giving them more choice, creating a new council. Im proud on labor day to sign that bill. Harris thats so rich for a guy who got busted for eating at a multimichelon star restaurant. I dont think he sets foot in a fast food place. He should. Its delicious. Gavin newsom signing a new Fast Food Workers bill that labor advocates are calling groundbreaking. It would increase wages up to 22 per hour with annual raises of 3. 5 . But Small Businesses are pushing back claiming jobs will be lost and companies are going to go bankrupt. Last month the state announced a plan to ban Gasoline Cars by 2035. Mandating Electric Vehicles on its roads. I just got back from the west, and they said you couldnt charge your electric car for days. First it was a day, then four days, then six. 2035, what will that be with all the Grid Problems they have in california . Well cover it. Ill probably be retired on a Rocking Chair on a porch by then but still watching. A New Washington examiner oped singling out the measures. The state is going broke for bad policies. Art laffer former economic advise hor for reagan. Talk to me about the impact of a wage hike like this. Look, this is no way saying who deserves what or who doesnt. This is bottom Line Economics for a state. Let me just say your memphis story is very disturbing. But youre right about gavin newsom. I spent most of my life in california. It is a very different place. Isolated from the rest of the nation, it is huge with enormous surplus and they can do almost anything they want to do no matter what the consequences by putting in those minimum wages there, it will cause less employment. It also will cause employers and fast Food Producers to substitute technology for those jobs. It will do that. But it is a long run bad, bad, bad policy. They can probably sustain it for quite some time because of their huge surplus, because of their size and people want to get fast food. Thats what they want. So god bless him for trying this but it will in your very much of a detriment of california. Harris lets talk about the states where californians are going right now. What will their expectations be if california is flexing in this way . Basically doing what biden is doing with the bailout of debt of College Loan Debt and all of it. It is a cry for help in the voting ranks. Thats what is happening right now. But if you are moving away from it, should you expect other states to raise their wages like this, too . I left california in 2006 as you probably know. I was on the Governors Council and when he turned to The Dark Side and did all these horrible things raising the minimum wages, increasing regulation i told him i was out and left and came to tennessee where i have never been happier. The lowest tax state in the nation. No way were bringing those california policies to tennessee. No way bringing them to nevada or other state. They are leaving those states because of the bad policies. They bring them Clear Thinking economics. The reason why all of these other states have turned red is because of the people leaving california, conservatives who dont like these policies and dont want to live under them. Harris democrats are leaving, too. Money is green. Doesnt matter how you vote. I mentioned the electrical Grid Problems they have in california. It was hot all over the southwest and hot where i was, too. California, though, is such a high user because of its huge population. I dont know how they mandate you can only buy an electric car by 2035. What is your quick thought . We had a quick problem with that living there. Gray davis, the governor of california, decided to subsidize electric prices, the surplus was done. We had the blackouts and brownouts all over the state. He was thrown out of office and thats what happened. I would imagine the same type of thing will happen again. Theyve done all the policies. Once itsinlaw you have to see its very hard to bring it back out of law. Once you have the 2035 deadline, it is tough to undeadline and reverse the policy. I expect the california grid to have huge problems and a lot more brownouts and blackouts in california. Unfortunately people will still keep leaving. California is a wonderful, wonderful state and the people are terrific. The government is the problem in california. Unfortunately the government is waging war on the citizens and producers and manufacturers. There is a reason why california is the highest poverty rate of any state in the nation. It is a twotier society of the really wealthy people along the coast and, the liberals. And then all the rest of california, which includes the Fast Food Workers who are just getting hammered. They will be replaced and they will be replaced permanently by technology. Just like chavez did in 1976. Harris they could replace the politicians. The president s Loan Forgiveness Plan is not adding up and a lot of people are looking at it. All the math is wonky. According to the penn wharton estimate the cost comes out to more than 1 trillion. Economists are saying the bailout is a drag on the economy and also on the president. Lets watch. Why are we relieving stone loan Debt Payments of people who make six figures and they decide i wont pay my loan. What strikes people as fundamentally unfair especially people who may not have gone to college. Its why i think it has blown up in bidens face politically. People just dont see the rationale behind it. Harris an economic director at the independent womens forum made this point. This actually is an elite issue. You take from the poor and giving to the rich. This is not robin hood. It is the other way around. The white house is disingenuous when they say it will be targeted at the very poor. No, it is a huge redistribution plan from the poor to the rich. Harris what is your reaction to that . I dont like the look at the redistribution because its unclear what happens in my mind. What does happen for sure, if you give a person a Million Dollars, my best guess is the guy will take a couple of days off, go on vacation, maybe quit for a while. Do Something Like that. The Income Effect of this type of transfer always leads to less work. Now whats going the happen if you give that guy a Million Dollars he will buy goods and services that he didnt produce or she didnt produce. It will lead to an increase demand. Reduction in supply, leading to slower Economic Growth and lead to higher inflation. We have done this a huge amount since biden has been in office. A huge amount. And that is just not a good way to stimulate the economy. It will be here for a long, long time, harris. When you forgive debt like this you cant unforgive it a week later. This is a terrible burden on the economy, Economic Growth and very inflationary. Harris that would be two major steps this president has made against inflation. One was the socalled Inflationary Reduction Act that did nothing of the sort. When you tell me that you will reduce supply and have higher inflation, higher prices with this second move, it makes me wonder what he is really doing in office. What is the endgame . We have to watch this closely. I want to know whats number three in the list of things . There are usually a trio of things. Things come in threes as my mom taught me. What is the endgame . Well get into it when i bring you back. Thank you. The new concerns about a potential Conflict Of Interest and the federal investigation into Hunter Bidens business dealings. A Top Republican is accusing the administration of Running Cover for the president s son. The Treasury Department has a finger pointed at it now. Pete hegseth on what its all about next in focus. Veteran homeowners. Prices on everything have gone up and up. The good news . So has the value of your home. And maybe a lot more than you think. 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The Memphis Police department discovered the remains of a body, a human body, in the rear of a vacant Duplex Apartment at the 1600 block of victor street. At that time it was believed the unidentified body could possibly be the remains of kidnapping victim Eliza Fletcher. Further forensic investigation by the mpd traffic unit positively identified the body was, in fact, Eliza Fletcher. This finding marks the culmination of a fourday intensive investigation incorporating a robust Search And Rescue effort and the timely arrest of suspect Cleotha Abston on september 3, the day following the kidnapping. Cleotha abston has been charged by mpd Homicide Investigators with the following charges. First Degree Murder, first Degree Murder and kidnapping. Especially aggravated kidnapping and tampering with evidence. In addition, abston has been charged with the following unrelated offenses identity theft, theft of property, and credit card fraud. While the outcome of this investigation is not what we hoped for, we are nonetheless pleased to remove this dangerous predator off the streets of memphis. I would like to personally thank the professional and highly skilled men and women of the memphis homicide unit, the Memphis Police department, the f. B. I. , the u. S. Marshals, the Tennessee Bureau of investigation, the Shelby County sheriffs office, the District Attorney generals office, homeland security, the atf and the university of Memphis Police department for your relentless efforts and many contributions towards this investigation. The collaboration and Cooperation Amongst all of our Partner Agencies was nothing less than symphonic. Were also very grateful for the hundreds of tips that came through our crimestoppers and other platforms from our citizens at large. Our engaged and Supportive Community is truly our most valued asset. Just remember that this still is an Ongoing Investigation. At this time, i would like to bring up f. B. I. Special agent in charge. Good morning. First and foremost on behalf of the f. B. I. I want to extend the extreme sympathy and condolences to the family and friends of eliza. Most of us did not know her, through the course of the recent investigation we got into the life she was and who she was to her family, friends and community. I want to commend the local, state and federal Law Enforcement during this investigation. As the family knows, every possible resource that we had as a Law Enforcement community, including the f. B. I. , was brought to bear to both find eliza, and her perpetrator and hold him accountable. I want to thank the community for their support during this investigation, the many tips and leads that we received. We are a member of this community as well and this situation, this tragedy impacts us deeply as well. With that i want to thank the community. Next i will be followed by the Acting Assistant Special Agent In Charge Holly Roberts from a. T. F. First off, on behalf of a. T. F. I want to extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends affected by the tragedy. No resources were spared to locate and arrest the individual responsible for this violent crime. A. T. F. Utilized many resources. We also utilized our expertise with our state and local partners to bring about justice to the family and friends in reference to this tragedy. I would like to bring next up u. S. Marshal miller. Thank you, good afternoon. On behalf of the United States Marshal Service we want to extend our sincere condolences to the family of Eliza Fletcher, her friends and family and those that new her. She touched many lives and it is certainly a loss. As i feared on numerous occasions the Marshal Service has a very unique relationship with the Memphis Police department. At any time they call, were there to assist. We were glad to receive their call on saturday when a suspect had been identified. We then went about finding the suspect vehicle in question, as well as the suspect himself. He was spotted the vehicle was spotted at an Apartment Complex and we also conducted surveillance on him. Then when he tried to make a move, we went in and made the arrest safely and took him into custody and turned him over to the custody of the Memphis Police department. After that, we also participated in the Search Efforts to find ms. Fletcher all day sunday and all day monday. As has been stated, it was not the outcome we were looking for. We were dedicated and committed to continue those Search Efforts with our partners until she was found. Next i will turn it over to District Attorney steve morrow. Thank you. Good morning. I also want to add my condolences and the condolenceens of my office to the family of Eliza Fletcher. To lose someone so young and vital is a tragedy in and of itself but to have it done this way is unimaginable and express our deepest condolences. I am praying for eliza and the family. With respect to the family both Law Enforcement and our office was in contact with the family throughout this long weekend. They have been fully cooperative throughout that entire process and in contrast to whatever baseless speculation you might have seen, we have no reason to think this was anything other than an isolated attack by a stranger. With respect to the family, we were in touch with them, as i said, throughout the course of the weekend. I visited with the family personally over the weekend and i also visited them this morning when we had terrible news to deliver to them. I have a message from the family that i want to express to all of you, the public but also the media. Please respect their privacy. Please allow them to grieve. At an appropriate time they will be making a statement. I believe a Written Statement will be forthcoming but we really do ask that you avoid intrusive questioning and respect their privacy. I also want to take this opportunity to commend all of Law Enforcement. The people behind me and all the agencies they represent. I had the opportunity to go to the Command Center over the course of the weekend and saw with my eyes the seamless Cooperation Among all of them. Chief davis referred to it as symphonic. That is an appropriate adjective. I watched how they cooperated and very impressed with the speed that they developed leads, the speed with which they turned around test results, the diligence which they coordinated the Search Efforts. They are all to be commended. As for our office, the defendant was arraigned this morning on charges of kidnapping and tampering with evidence. He will be arraigned tomorrow morning on new charges that we now have to bring of first Degree Murder, murder in the act of kidnapping. Any kind of violence, of course, is unacceptable, but repeat violent offenders, particularly deserve a strong response. Thats what theyll get from this District Attorneys office. We will continue to cooperate with Law Enforcement and work closely with them as we already have. So that we can do our best to bring justice to this tragic situation. And i will end there and note that because this is still an Ongoing Investigation and a pending case, and i as a prosecutor have certain legal limits on what i can say, there are probably limits to what kind of questions that i can answer or that can be answered by anybody. But i will just end there. Thank you. Question for anyone in Law Enforcement. Do you know a manner of death, a, and b, [inaudible] its too early for us to determine place and method of death at this point. The suspect initially was not being cooperative with authorities. Do he ultimately help you find the victim . At this time i cant respond. Were still working with that suspect. At this time we havent gotten very much information from that individual. Anyone else involved . It is still early on and were uncovering various leads. It is an Ongoing Investigation. It is a possibility. No one else has been charged as of now. Can you describe how ms. Fletcher ended up we dont know at this particular time. We Work Together to identify various locations and that was our Search Concentration and we were just blessed that we were able to identify this location and our officers were successful in finding her. Thank you all for the questions. Thats all the information that we have right now. You can send them to the office if you have any additional questions and well address them there. Harris we got a short message there that was read by steve mulroy, the Shelby County District Attorney in memphis just asking the public and the media to give the family room, if you will, to grieve and to process this. That there would be a more formal statement forthcoming. But he is asking that on behalf of the family right now. The outpouring over this case from across tennessee home state and then from across the nation has been remarkable. As you heard, this has been a particularly tough case because they didnt have as much to work with on trying to find her. It too everything they had to try to locate the remains of Eliza Fletcher and they have done that. There is no matter of death or exact location where she was killed, information being released at this point. You heard the Memphis Police chief saying that. I want to bring in ted williams. Former d. C. Homicide detective. You have been watching this so closely. I saw you earlier with bill and dana talking about this case. Any surprises at the News Conference or something you were particularly watching for . You know, what i was particularly watching for, harris, was had the autopsy been performed and did we now know the manner and cause of death, that certainly is, according to this Press Conference, is still open. But what is not open, harris, is that they have targeted and looking specifically at the suspect in custody. It has been report ed he goes by the name of abstonhenderson. When you look at just the plethora of evidence in this case, it is without a doubt that they have the right man. One of the things that nobody asked the question about that i was deeply concerned about is the four minutes they had report evidence that once eliza was abducted, the perpetrator and her remained on the lot there for four minutes before that van took off. I would have to believe that that was four minutes of hell for this young woman. I would have to believe that this is when the assault, the maximum portion of the assault took place in that four minutes because she fought, harris, she fought. And that is going to be something that will be crucial in this investigation. Harris i know you and i have unfortunately covered all sorts of different tragedies. But when i hear you use the word maximum portion of the assault, we will wait for all the facts to come in. Yours is based on decades of experience and the fact that we dont have an accounting yet of some critical time that we also cant see. We know something is happening because something is delaying them for some period of time in that vehicle but we cant see it. State charges included first Degree Murder. Other unrelated charges, i. D. Theft, credit card fraud, property theft. More to come. The Brother Mario was not mentioned as being charged. The police chief shrewd in the way she put it. No one charged yet. Your expertise and time always appreciated. Thank you. Lets talk quick politics before we wrap up The Faulkner Focus and go into outnumbered for today. The Top Republican on the House Oversight committee accusing the Treasury Department of Running Cover for the biden family and this is coming after his request to look into reports involving first son hunter biden were rejected. Created for congress to have access to be able to track any type of foreign transactions that would lead to terrorist activity. So this is another coverup in the Biden Administration to block republican oversight and republican investigations of Hunter Bidens shady business dealings. Harris pete hegseth is with me cohost of fox Friends Weekend to discuss his first reaction to this. Its not surprising. First of all here is what we do know. These are suspicious Activity Reports that the Treasury Department tracks. From what we understand from the Ranking Member of james comer there are over 150 of them that could pertain to hunter biden. Suspicious Activity Reports of overseas dealings. Traditionally congress has access to those reports for oversight reasons. The Biden Administration just about a year ago changed the way the executive was willing to comply with the house so now it requires being in the majority to get access to any of those reports. Of course the democrat majority is not interested in looking into suspicious activity. James comer is trying to get his hands on them and it will probably take a November November election for him to do so. Harris i knew about the 150 and always wondered if you have that many reasons to look at someone, you will take a look at that person. Why cant we know what they were seeing . But are you saying now that the Biden Administration in addition to all the switch flipping they did at the beginning of bidens presidency on the border, wherever it was. He was flipping trumps policies, right . Are you trying to say he had time to concentrate on changing this and that it benefited his son . Its amazing how many lines there are in this from who represents hunter biden and who went to the f. B. I. And who decided what they would look at or close investigations and yet another detail in that. The process had been traditionally one where when these requests were made by congress they were given on either side of the aisle. The Biden Administration according to james comer changed the policy very specifically so that the Treasury Department didnt have to give these suspicious Activity Reports to members of congress across the other side of the aisle. It requires a subpoena. Maxine waters is actually the one who sponsored the bill to bring it back to a normal process ironically so. It has not been voted on and hasnt passed. Right now the prerogative is in the hands of the white house and they are preventing republicans from seeing these suspicious Activity Reports at which hunter had over 150. Harris we can understand why republicans are laying into the f. B. I. Claiming it is politically biased. You know there are politics inside of any white house and there are politics inside of this one. It is no exception. Yesterday after the post report evidence that disgraced exf. B. I. Agent Timothy Thibault was the Point Man For Former hunter biden Business Partner Tony Bobulinski and never followed up with him about his bombshell allegations, bobulinski alleged one month before the 2020 election was joe biden was involved with his son hunter and his brother jims dealing with a chinese company. F. B. I. Chief chris wray must explain the suppression of the hunter biden investigation. Pete. He sure needs to. Remember when the left celebrated whistleblowers like Lieutenant Colonel vinman . Here the only reason we know about this individual, tim thibault is because of whistleblowers. He is a rapid trump hater and been in charge of Russia Gate Investigations and now the hunter biden investigation. Tony bobulinski said after he sat down for five hours with the f. B. I. Your future point guy is tim thibault. He never followed up and closed the investigation without the normal process inside the f. B. I. This after they had had the laptop since december of 2019. Plenty of time to look at it and verify it for bobulinski about who the big guy was. This is an inside coverup job, it appears, from the f. B. I. Certain individuals with a lot of power to shut down the investigations they dont like. Thankfully the New York Post is doing the work. Harris it is time to do more question asking and yes the New York Post cant stand alone. As journalists across the board we need to be asking questions. As you called that one person, a Rabid Trump Hater the president is being looked at as a rabid trump voter hater. What are the perks for the man performing at the top via his son . Thats a wordy question. Your patriot awards coming up are set for november 17th. Tickets on sale right now. Always a great occasion and always wonderful when you are part of it. 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