company linked to the trump campaign seeking access to hillary clinton s e-mails. let s discuss now. david axelrod is here. and mark mckin yon, good evening, gentlemen. mark, you first. jared kushner was in charge of the trump campaign digital operations. steve bannon was on the board of cambridge an lit ka with a big financial interest. the trump campaign was actively using data from cambridge an lit ka to drive where trump went, yet the campaign claims they relied on the rnc for help. does that seem plausible to you? they only relied on the rnc, they said. well, it s plausible. i mean, that often happens in a general election campaign. you turn over a lot of the operation, particularly those that require a lot of resources to the national committee. so it s plausible and yet we hear differing stories. all of this just makes me think that there s so many pieces being revealed every day every
they will have to wear it and that s going to be very tough for them. i think that there is mark says there s a civil war going on in the republican party. it seems to me the civil war is over and that the trump forces have won that civil war. but the question is where does that leave them in the long run? they can rule those dough mains that are dominated by the republican base, but where there s any kind of a swing district or state that is closely contested, it becomes problematic. thank you, gentlemen. i appreciate it. enjoy colorado, by the way, mark. it looks beautiful. always do. big roaring fire behind you. i m a bet jealous. when we come back, the president saying he didn t specifically authorize the who is responsible in cnn went to niger to try to find answers, and we re going to take you there right after this break. what s critical thinking like? a basketball costs $14.
presidential campaigns, and mark was a masterful strategist in two presidential campaigns and he knows this t. there are on going opposition research projects of varying intensity. and so it s not that unusual that there would be this kind of a project going on. but it s made to look much more sinister as it were by the fact that people didn t simply say, yeah, we invested in that as did some republican candidates. yeah. initially by a republican. so, mark, listening to the trump campaign is now using this dossier story and using the fact that hillary clinton and her campaign paid for it to debunk some of the contents of the dossier. do you think that s going to work? well, it s been a pretty good 24 hours for president trump. you can tell he s actually giddy
people who are retiring or fighting mortal illnesses. and that s a reflection of his extraordinary popularity among republicans, which sits around 80%. and remember, the first rule of most politicians is to get themselves re-elected. there s an awful lot of fear in the republican party and in the republican base about taking trump on. so for those establishment republicans who want to survive, they seem to be more and more to be making the decision that it s better to join than fight. and that will continue that way unless and until that base erodes. i want to get to your response on this, mark, but let me just read this quote to you. it s from the new york times. he made a cutting observation about the republican party today in the wake of jeff flake s announce. there is no room for flake, but there s room for a man who isn t sure if gay people should be