The Netherlands hosted Eurochess, a now traditional bankers’ tournament, and offered the guests from Europe a nice visiting programme. The host team from De Nederlandsche Bank (the Netherlands’ central bank) won the team competition, while Razvan-Alexandru Sebe-Vodislav finished first in the individual standings. Gerd Densing played for the Bundesbank and found time to prepare a fine pictorial report. | Photos: Gerd Densing
Hybrid hospitality specialists from marketing agency Stay the Night are sharing a deep dive into the future of hybrid hospitality with the release of their latest white paper today.
"One of the key things we learned is we re no longer just selling rooms as a hotel," Reinier Bunnik, Operations Director at Zoku, told us. "We re selling time and square meters, and this is where we had the opportunity to provide what we call hybrid hospitality. "
In the past 12 months, millions globally have been forced to work from home due to domestic lockdowns and restrictions. Now, after a year of remote work, and as many worldwide are vaccinated in increasing numbers, organizations are getting serious about what a return to the office will look like.