Mantras are purposed to invoke specific Energy-Principles - deities, seers (Rishis) or Guru - so that their grace and guidance makes our actions bear fruit. All paths of Yoga - Jnana, Bhakti, Hatha - have their special mantras
by dr bhushan kumar upadhyaya a
mantra isasacred syllable, sound or a phrase
with mystical and spiritual significance. every religion of the world has traditions of mantra chanting to
derive physical, m
Mantra yoga awakens the self through use of sound vibrations that activate the entire being protecting the consciousness of the seeker and ultimately uniting him with the divine.
There comes a time in the life of a sensitive-thinking person when they begin to ask themselves what their life is all about. What is the point of my existence?.
(VOVWORLD) - Mantra yoga is seen as one of the easiest ways to achieve the difficult state of internalizing the sense-oriented mind from the external world and focusing on inner consciousness. In Vietnam, more and more people are practicing mantra yoga and consider it a way to relieve the body and mind from daily stress. In this week’s Cultural Rendezvous, Indian yoga master Virender Singh, who has 5 years’ experience teaching yoga in schools in India and 5 years teaching yoga in Hanoi, will give us an insight into this kind of meditation and how to practice it most properly.