Karnataka Minister for Muzarai Shashikala Jolle on Saturday said the state has decided to rename 18th century Mysuru ruler- Tipu Sultan- era temple rituals like 'Salaam Arathi', 'Salaam Mangalarathi' and 'Deevatige Salaam', with local names.
Senior Congress MLA and former minister Tanveer Sait on Saturday said there are plans to install a 100-foot statue of 18th century ruler of erstwhile Mysuru Kingdom Tipu Sultan, either here or in Srirangapatna.
On May 4, Khan had paid tribute to Tipu Sultan, praising the 18th century ruler of Mysore for preferring to die for freedom rather than live a life of enslavement .
Courtyard houses replete with stone pillars, red oxide flooring, kolam (rangoli) on the floor, and the white and red Iyengar namam firmly painted on the ancient-looking but sturdy main doors. Time seems to be an illusion as one takes a stroll through the deserted streets of Melukote.
An air of antiquity, oodles of rustic charm and heritage vibes are unmissable when you visit this quaint hilltop town, about 150 km from Bengaluru. Also spelt Melkote and known as Thirunarayanapuram, the town is synonymous with the Cheluvanarayana Swamy and the Yoga Narasimha Swamy temples. But beyond this, Melukote offers an eclectic mix of sights spanning history, culture, craft and tradition.