Solan DC Man Mohan Sharma said the fire has been controlled but it is too risky to enter the complex. A woman was killed and 30 others injured in the fire in the Baddi industrial area on Friday.
During a visit to the Parwanoo-Koti-Dharampur Section on the Kalka-Shimla highway, tippers were observed unloading debris and boulders towards the valley and downstream Kaushalya river. This material rolled down into the valley, affecting the river's flow.
Squadron Leader Anil Sehgal In the early sixties, I was introduced to world of Indian paperback books. Doors to hitherto unexplored world of newly launched Gharelu Library Yojana ( home library plan) under which the first-ever paperbacks were brought to India as the pocket books. Hind Pocket Books printed a large number of paperbacks, first in Hindi and later in English as well. These books were sold at a comfortable price of one rupee a book.The publishers sent these books […]