ORONO University of Maine researchers are encouraging people to get outside and help document one of nature’s great migrations this spring. Maine Big Night, a community science nonprofit founded by UMaine doctorate candidate Greg LeClair calls on Mainers to brave the dark and muck to find frogs and salamanders that are on the move, […]
SOUTH PARIS The McLaughlin Garden 2024 lecture series is set for each Wednesday afternoon in March. Topics were chosen to appeal to gardeners and to those interested in nature. The presentations will be hybrid, in-person attendees can have tea at 3:30 p.m. before the 4 p.m. lectures upstairs at the McLaughlin Garden, 97 Main […]
ORONO Fewer frogs died from vehicle collisions in spring 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began, than during the season in other recent years, according to a new study led by a University of Maine graduate student and community science project.
Fewer frogs died from vehicle collisions in spring 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic began, than during the season in other recent years, according to a new study led by a University of Maine graduate student and community science project coordinator. Vehicles kill many adult frogs, salamanders and other amphibians that cross roadways, particularly during their […]