Around 14.70 lakh people took a dip in the Ganga and Sangam during Basant Panchami, marking the fourth bathing festival of Magh Mela in Sangam city. Devotees, including women, children, and the elderly, have been visiting the Magh Mela area since early morning. The length of ghats has been increased from 6,800 feet to 8,000 feet, and 12 ghats have been built with change facilities.
Around 14.70 lakh people took a dip in the Ganga and at the holy Sangam this morning on the occasion of Basant Panchami, officials said. Basant Panchami 2024: 14.70 Lakh Devotees Throng Bathing Festival of Magh Mela, Take Holy Dip in Ganga, Sangam (Watch Videos).