The upcoming Madhya Pradesh assembly election will witness a fierce battle between the BJP and Congress. Both parties are focusing on key factors to gain an advantage. The BJP is banking on the Ladli Behna Scheme to woo women voters, while Congress is playing the OBC card and promising a caste census. Regional balance is also crucial, with the Malwa-Nimar region being a key battleground. Other important regions include Gwalior-Chambal, Bundelkhand, Bhopal-Narmadapuram, Mahakaushal, and Vindhya. The outcome of these elections will have significant implications for the political landscape of Madhya Pradesh.
The Madhya Pradesh Congress party has announced several pre-poll promises in their election manifesto, including a health insurance scheme of ₹25 lakh with an accident cover of ₹10 lakh for all citizens. Other promises include 27% reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs), the establishment of an IPL team for the state, and the purchase of cow dung at ₹2 per kg. During the manifesto release function, Congress leaders Kamal Nath and Digvijaya Singh engaged in light-hearted banter.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday directed the Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission (SEC) to commence the poll programme for over 23,000 local bodies and issue notification within two weeks.A bench, headed by Justice A.M. Khanwilkar and .
The Supreme Court on Tuesday directed the Madhya Pradesh State Election Commission (SEC) to commence the poll programme for over 23,000 local bodies and issue notification within two weeks.