Modi has rolled out a new update on his official app- NaMo which will now have Quiz, Word Search and more to engage the youth and inform them about the latest movements and development in the country
Nitin Gadkari on India TV Samvaad, How did Nitin Gadkari got Road Transport ministry, Modi, Modi, Modi @8, Narendra Modi, Prime minister narendra modi, Modi government, PM narendra modi 8years, india tv Samvaad , Samvaad India TV, rajat sharma, rajat sharma special show, bjp government, BJP, 8 years
India TV Samvaad, Sudhanshu Trivedi, Salman Khurshid, India was partial muslim nation before 2014, Modi Govt 8 years in power, PM Modi, Modi, Modi @8, Narendra Modi, Prime minister narendra modi, Modi government, PM narendra modi 8years, india tv Samvaad , Samvaad India TV, rajat sharma
India TV Samvaad LIVE Updates: The Modi government has completed 8 years in office. To mark the 8th anniversary, India TV is organising a mega conclave India TV Samvaad in New Delhi today (May 30, 2022) where top central ministers, BJP leaders and those from opposition quarters will speak about th