Murder. In line with sta l lane has pleed notuilt. New at noon christopher rader, the d guilty for molesting two little girlse was babysittingwill spend several years in priso mning, a judge seend rader to nine years to life prison along with 20ears to life on probati. The mother of the viims made a Statement Court reading a letter she wroteas well as a letter o of r daughters wrote. The court will hold a review hearing to determine whether rader is a sexually violt ed. Onhe 2h. Stinger in our continuing covege. The judge overseeing the pnned parenthood soting case. Is still pushingo keep documents inhe case aled. Judge Gilbert Martin is asking the colorado supme court to uphold his ruling. Denymedia access to sealed documents. s in response to several news outlets petitioninthe high court,. Suspect robertears arrest affadavit, search rrants,. And other documents related to the november 27th shooting. Judge martinez says he is correctly balancing the competing interes of the ongoing in
Confidence in chief luis velez. Letts reased after the survey byoth the chief and the union each highlight a ne for more officers. Union president keh rh calculates the city would have to hire at least 100 new officers just tcatch up with avegetaffing levels at departments arnd thetate. Ty manager sam azad says every city departmenealing inneeds. Eigy to 85 percenur budget is penel cos and en you see a lot of vacancie and thatasappened througho the country, itnopeculiar here, you ze those vacancies and use that money to lanc the budget. Odes told us t union memrs will n formally ld a vote of no confidence because majority onity Council Backs th chie if youd like to rd up on al hek d forth over t o idcesu. U n nd tseocuments on our websitkoaa. Com colodo singsice departme. Is ring after arly 40 years of service. Commander Fletcher Howard of the stetn Hills Division joined the police force in 1977. He was promoted to commaer in 2008. Howard was also the sohern rado regional ordinator for
Customers of monument wat enterprise befo didinon much they will need to rse rates. As weve reported. Town oicials say because smanagnt. They have to dmatically hike the price of water next ye. And th keeincreasing rates percenper ye for the next 5 years. He callation for me for the fit year jump is probably about 4,200 on myater bl extra for thisext year. At the end o6 years, it most doubles. Ts gointo hitbably th poor the wst and our senior citize or fixed incomes. We have a hard decision before , but we need to me it, unfortunely. A vote on the rate hikes is set for march 7th. Therwill be an open house workop before th to hear co fm affeed customers. Well let you knhen ats scdule news5 uoveredew details abouthtension between City Management and the rank and file at the Pueblo Police department. A recent police ion suey found 94 out of 99 members suppora vote ono cfidence in chief luis velez. Letters reased afterhe survey by bothhehief and the union each higig a need for more officer
Springs, joanna wise, news 5. Thanks joanna. The lazlion marijuana smoke ub in colodo spr is now closed indefinetly. This after it was raided yesterday by the fbi and the ir mo than a year ago,. News fivenvestigas showedou how this business operates under a uniqueembership d reimbuement business model, since Recreational Marijuana sales are illegal in the city. They cla no buyingr selling is invold. We ske with one of the regular custers,. Who didnt want toe onamer ive never seen athing bad in there. They dont le any terms like buying or ing so theyll make sure you reburse, but s are placeo and just hang out. Prevusattorneys r e lazyion say thr buness model has held up in crt. However. Taxes was e fos yestdays search warra. As of righnow. The u. S. Atrneys office says no e is undear. Foowing up f you. Goews for colorado sings utlities customers rates city councilotedesterdayo apove the dr forboth electric and gas ratestartg bruary fir. On aragehomenersill e a sangs about 9 dollars a mo
Corado sprgs with closer look at thuphill fight the bi fes. Anna. Good morning. As you may remembe. We covered seral stories about the heat debover a proposed opening of a methadone ic in e downtownrea of moment. Since then, a local lawmak has decided take the issue to the state legislure. The bi was put fward b monument republicapaul een. He says it would ban methado dispensing whin onethousand feet of a scho park day center. Buheres wheret faces an uphill climb. The bill is assigned to the house sta. Milary and vetans affair committee. They call that tkill mmitte bause vy few billacally advce outf the. Im a littlconcerned that itseen sent tre b at the same time, ive been assure that were going to have a policy conversation, and a thoughne at that. D thats what im aski for, that this get a ir hest heing r the people of lorado. Lundees bi is cosponsor in the state sene byent lambert. The housundeen hopes the billl t second chanc th lst otop s sty and brinyothe test updates ashey come i