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Confidence in chief luis velez. Letts reased after the survey byoth the chief and the union each highlight a ne for more officers. Union president keh rh calculates the city would have to hire at least 100 new officers just tcatch up with avegetaffing levels at departments arnd thetate. Ty manager sam azad says every city departmenealing inneeds. Eigy to 85 percenur budget is penel cos and en you see a lot of vacancie and thatasappened througho the country, itnopeculiar here, you ze those vacancies and use that money to lanc the budget. Odes told us t union memrs will n formally ld a vote of no confidence because majority onity Council Backs th chie if youd like to rd up on al hek d forth over t o idcesu. U n nd tseocuments on our websitkoaa. Com colodo singsice departme. Is ring after arly 40 years of service. Commander Fletcher Howard of the stetn Hills Division joined the police force in 1977. He was promoted to commaer in 2008. Howard was also the sohern rado regional ordinator for thisis interventirogram. Which teaches cers how t deal with le suffeng from mental lness and persal crises. We wiscommanr fleter howa all the best in retirement a fireeather watch is in effe f trsy as dry conditions and strong wind he f ourrea. Ne 5s joanna wise spoke with the wifire migation team yourperty protected. Joanna. Officials wi the Wildfire Mitigation Team here in corado spris, says we have a lot of dry, fine fuels because of all year. That fine fuelalgrasses. Carry fireuickly. Sylvester says right n we a mode fire danger because of increased temperature and anticipated winds. There are thin you can do to he protect youproper li monitorinthe fuelaround your home. If aed flag wag isssue there wille an ireasin afng a resnslevel. In the event of anfirealls. Mip 6 30. Well hear morfrom officls on howo prect your home in case a fire doesreak out. Now we want toend it over to chief morng meteorolofgist Stephen Bowers. With first alert five. Fire weather watch has been posted forearly all of the newsviewarea for thursday. Strong winds of 6080 mp combined with relative humity less than 10 and unseasonab make conditions favorablfor fis to begin and behave erratically during the day thursd. Today will be quiet. Highressure to the west of us eks. A storm syst over the pafic ocean will move eastwardnd give a kick to our high pressu, finally forcing it to move eastward. In response,he wind ll crease tomorrow. Visibilityaye lower du blowing dust. Driving can be difficult. Stronger wind sts may be daging. Temperat this morng are in e 20and 30 highs today will be inhe 60s and 70s. Passing cloudsay occasionall filt the s today. Temperatures wl warm through e 30and 40s anto the lower 50s by 10 am noon tperatures wie nearing arounColorado Springs and monument b well into the 60s around pueblo and caon city. Warming will contie, and 60s 70s are likely this afrnoon, especlly after 2 pm. We will gin cooling agby 5 wh 50s and 60s cooling into e middle and upp by 10 pm. A 24mile strechf i70 remains osed because of a rockslide . A mile strechi70 remains closed because o rockslide . Ancdot doesnt expect rds to reopen until thursday afternoon least. Thslide happen mony night Glenwood Canyon about 125 miles east of the utah border. The highway ishutdowfr glenod sprin to gypsumand the shortest detouad nearly 140 mileto the trip. The rocksle damaged a truckbut one was injed. Loing ahead todawell gea look at the la the city of Colorado Springs and the broadmwant to tra. As wve reported both parti nt to ap ownership of 189 acr between seven falls and the broadmr. Create betteaccess to the ic for the la t ot cla the dl would do theppose. Well be on a media tour today and will give you a look around tonight on news5s5t 5 and 6. Today people in denver will take the oath allegiance and become american tizens. At least one of those people is mang the trip today from Colorado Springs days naturalization cemony at the History Colorado Center is in honoof president day which s mond a llow up for u on a story we first broht to you yesterday here on ivtoday. Larir unty commiio gned off on a plan to allow Colorado State university to fulrength beer at football games, not just t light stuff. Commissioners actuly aroved sale of all types of alcohol at hughes stadium. Buus athletic dirtor says the plan is to on sell beiquor or spirits. Csu joins rehan 30 other colleges across the country th se fulstrength br at speakif. Comingp. Wod you like a golden from the golden arches . . A mar st food ain is experimentg with sling a ewski. With ur berger. We have more on that in your consumer watch. But firs. New developments in the hiv and hetitis infection are at a denverarea hospital. The macused of causinghe lcome back. Following up forou this rning. A formerurgical tech fm nver has been indicted on federal mpering and drug charges. Rocky allen de his First Court Appearance yesterday prosecutors allege he stole pain medication intendedor paents at swedish mecal nter iengld and itched syries. Edh sentotico some 29hundred people. Who underwent surgery during his employment. To be tested for hatitis and hiv. Some of those patients are sttingo results back. Anmany are negive. However we know that ale one pe tesd positive for hepatitis b. And in todayhethy family. Nes. Pkg nats of kid playing sot monique apace every where wgo he has this huge loving spit, and i just could never imagine going on with lifwitht that. Aiden short life has already seen fair sharef struggle somoque evesince hes been little hes had lung issues so he doe go tthctors quite a bit. He ry had thresurgeries at swedi medical center. Sot monique i trusted them. But mont later. Four year old aiden had e testedor hiv and hepatitis. Sot monique i found melmaking deals with god, callg every pers up that my prayewarrr te u like god people got too everyby go e but not yet. To moniques relief. Tht tests are negative. Sot nique youre excited but at the same me you have th little thout in urind is this st for now . Sh is having. Sot kiafer you worry, how can you not worry . Even though her tests are netive. R doctor in lorado sprin told she shld get bod work done again six months. Although swedish told her they didnthink iwanecessary. Sot ki why arent ey automically ing that for everybody, i woulthink yod tpu mebos mind at ee. Aferlike manotr patients, is still lt with estions. Sot kim why in the world, if people have access these types of drin a hospital or clinic settinare they not randomly tested . That mak no sense to , im angry abouthat. Sot jiavy lawyer its ndoging to think how did this happen, where a hoital has dirty needles. Attorney jim avery is representi aoz pients. One of which tested positiveor titib. Jim aver they want tknow theruth, theyant tonow how it pp, ey dtant to ju hohome y ole the attoeyasnfiled any civil lawsuitset. The crimin casstiledto playut. Anhe says these kinds of cases can take years to proc as for swedish. We asked why all patients werent getting foll up tests. Thay those decisions are beinmade on a case by case basis. Depeing on when thpatien had surgery. However a patie would like follow up tests. Ey can cthe helpe to scuss thweathed traffihe 5 chief g meorologist stepn wers ihere now wit first alt 5. A fire weather watchas been posted for nearly all ofhe news5 viewing area f thursday. Ng winds of 600 mph combined with relative humidity less than 10 and unseasonably warm temperares can combine to make cditions favorable for fires to begin and behave erratically during the day thursday. Today will be quiet. Gh presse to the west of us has been slow to move for the tter par the lt two weeks. A orm syst over thpacifi oceawill move eastrd and give ak to our high pressure, filly forcing it to eastward. Crease tomorrow. Visibility maye lower due blowing dust. Dring can be difficult stroer wind gusts may be damaging. Temperatur this morning are the 20s and 30s. Highs today will be in the 60s and 70 paing clouds may occnally filter the sun today. Tempatesill warmough the 30s and 40s and to the lower 50s by 10 am noon temperatures will be nearg 60 around Colorado Springs and monument but well in the 60s around pueblo and caon city. Rming will continue, and0sand 70s are likely this afternoo especially after pm. We wl begin cooling again by 5 pm with 50s and 60s cooling into the middle and upper 40s by 10 food chains iadding a new beverage to their menu. Mcdonas is opening a new store that will serve premium burgers and draft beer but dont rush out to your southern coloro mcdonas. Looking r a mc beer. This is only happening in south koa. They are doing it. Because ey s the nber of young peop eating at mcdonalds h dropped in south kore. And mcdonalds hopes he n dion. Will attct younger cust. Isokorea. Thlegal drinking ages 19. Right nosome of the mo popular traffic ap warn drivers of Police Office looking for speeders on the road but Police Warning that these apps could be doing more harm than good. Apps like waz allow other drers warn you up comin obstles like car crashes, trafc backups. And ev police offirs. T state troopers speed important than you may realize. You have to remembeby blasting out a this informion may be helping soone who really needs to be behind bars. When werma thoraic stops, werengad guys off thstreets. Daerou viont crimils arrested dly thankto sileraic stops. Anwats ss estrfic ap can lphe cmils get away. Std. State oopers suggest drivers to obey the speed limit. O aviod ticketand so bad guys can get the justi they deserve. Coming up. People picking off packas from porches is a common crime these days. But up nex. Thsurprising storyf one thiefs chan of heart. Plus. The florida woman who reamed ve video oferself drivindrunk. Learns her punishment. Live tdallas where dozens of firefighters are working to ntain a fire burning at a church. It staed arod 5 30 our te three Fire Departments have reonded. No injuries report a the cae is under investigati. Lcome ck poperancrapsp hi mexitourn thborder city of ud juarez toda ll hold ms there d across the borde el paso, texas, thoands will packn bowl sum to watchn big scens. Before hea bactohe vatican, the pope will stop at the Us Mexico Border and give a blessing to honoofignts. Check this out. A porch prowr caught on securi camera stealing a package and then apparently has a ange of heart. Pocen dallas, ora say the thief approaed a home and took delivered package off the front porch. Inside the package 300 i birthday gifts for the homers yeaold dauger. The thf appantly h secon ts. Becae on tuesd theomeowner found both the returned pkage and note the note rea so sorry hope this helps. I know i cantake it right, but want to y. The agy ne seemncere enough on paper. I think the re test will be whetheor not they change tir behavior and this is something that will effect them goin forward. Police a questioning twoen they believed may involved, but no one has been chged. A florida woman who streamed live video oheelf driving drk has avoided jail tim instead. 24yearold whitney bealls license is suspend for sixth months. An12ons probation. Standard for a first oense. La fall, beall used e al media apperiscope to show herself drivi home after drinking heavily at a bar in ntral florida. And beall was arrested. Last week. She plded no contesto driving under the influence. E also receive150 hours of Community Service and 10 days of weekend work release. Ather and traffic on the 5s. , ief moing meteorologist stephebowers i now wit first al a reeather watch has been postedor nearly all of t ne5 viewing forhursy. Strongindsf 6080 combin with relative humidity less than 10anunonablywarmperatucan combine make conditions favorablr fires to begin and behave erratically during theay ursday. Today will be quiet. Hi pressure toheest us bettert theast o wes. A stm system ovethe Pacific Ocean wi move eastward and give a kic our high essure, finay foing it to move eastward. In rponse, the wind will increase tomorrow. Vibility may be lower e to blowing. Driving n be difficult. Stronger wind sts may be damang. Temperatures this morning are in the 20s and s. Highs today will be in the 60s and 70s. Ssing clds may occasio filter the sun today. Teaturesl wa through th30s and 40s and the ler 50s by 10 am. On temperatures will be aring 60 around corado springs d monument but well into the 60s around pueblo and caon city. Warming will continue, and0s and arlikely this afternoon, especially after 2 pm. Wl begin coinagain 5 pm with 50s and s cooling into welce ba a6 30. A fire weather watch is in coitnsnd stronwind head for our are ws 5s joanna wise spo with the wildfi migation te with wt you can do to keep ur property protected. Springs joanna. Go morning. Wildfire eerts say even though theres still snown the grou that hasnt melted, there are areas that are dry and susceptible to amy sylvester, with the Wildfire Mitigation Team here in Colorado Springs, says we have a loof dry, fine els becausof a the moisreere received last year. That fine el tall grasse they dry out quickly and can carry fire quickly. Sylvester says rig now we are at aoderatfireanger beuse of increased temperature and anticipated winds. She says the are things you cado to lproct property like niring the fus ound your home. If we do have a grass firen the area, thbiggest chance y have at prottingr property is keepingho fuels mowednd trimmed back around the house. If a r flawarning is issued, sylvester says there will be an creasestaffingnd respse level. In the event oany fire calls. Well contue to track the latestonditions. And well bring you any updates on air and online koaa dot com. Reporting li in colora rings, joannwi, ws thanks joanna. In our continuing rage. The dge overseeing the planned parenthood shooting case. Is still pushing to ke doments e case sled. Judge gilbmartinezs asng the Colorado Supreme Court to uphold his ruling. Denying mediaccess to sealed documents. Its in responseo several news outletpetitiong the hi court,. Demanding the judge to unsea suspect robert dears arre affadavit, search warrants,. And other documents relad to the november 27th shooting. Judge martinez says he is ectly balancing the coetg rests of the ongoing investigation, privacy concerns of the he says releasing such informatiowill jpardizthe case dear is faci79 cots,. Accused of murderg three people, and wounding nine hers. He is due back icourt next week. Wrongful death lawsuit, filed against thfather oylan reine,. Has been dismissed. Duto a clericaerror. 13yearold dylan disappeared from his fathes house near valleto lake in La Plata County in november of 12. His remainwere found in and the e of death was ruled a homicide his fathermark was named a person of interestthdeath. E court ruled a wrongfulth wst leylothe aine,. Against her ex husbasaying it shoul been filed two years after the date his remains were dcovered. It was actually filed twyears afr thdwinewere tified. Four ds ter statue of s d expired. Today. 24yearold Christopher Rad will be ntend r felony charges sexual assaul against children. The el paso coty Sheriffs Office arrested rader la ju. And based statements. Authorities lieve there may be adtial victims. If you knosomeone who may ha en a victim. Youre asked to contact thEl Paso County sherfoffice. Rit now the El Paso County Sheriffs Office is asking for your lp in finding a missing man. And identifying an unknown female who might know his wherabouts. 18yeard Manuel Snodgrass was reported missing laste. But last month. An unidentifiefemale went to the snodgrass faly home. Claing to knhere muel was and she was king for a his belonngs. Shedescribed a heavy set white female beten 30 and 40 years d. If you know anhing yre asked to contact police. Weatr and traffic on the 5s. Chief morning meteorologis Stephen Bowers is here now wh first alert 5. A fire weatheratch has been news5 viewing ea for thursday. Stro winds of 6080 mph combined wh tive humidity lesshan 10 and unseasonably warm tperaturecan combine to ma condis favorable for fires toegin and behave erraticallduring t day thursday. Today will be quiet. High pssure to the west us has been sw to move for the tt pt of the last two weeks. A storm system or thpafi oceawi move eastward and give a kick to our high pressure, finally forcing it to move eastward. In response, the wind will increase tomw. Visibility may be lower due to blowindust driving can be difficult. Stronger wind gusts may be damaging. Temperes this morninarin the 20s and 30s. Highs today will be in the 60s and 70s. Do yieve in miracles . What uld a mie look lik . Some e calling surprising discovery a miracl. After a fire at thoest ch in colorado it appea that soot. Createwhat looksika crown, above a paintinofhe virgin mary, inside thchurch. Take a look. The fire broke out on Ash Wednesday at our ladyf guadupe church in conejos county. Parishioners soon after found whatheyre calling a tr mirae clnghe virgin sponsible for saving their church. Tterson he offers us just so much strength and courage and so just to think that the church s saved wi the divine terventionf her and her strength is very empowering this chuh is also no strger to fires. 90 yrs ago an electrical fire destroyed this house of worship also, on the eve of ash wednday. The decision to hike water rat for someustomers in monument has been delayed until next month. At last ghts meeting, Monument Trustees decided to pu back their vote. They want to hear more from affect custo of monument water enterprise fore decing on w much ey will need to raise rates. As weve reported. Town Officials Say due to mianagnt. Theyave to dramatically hike the price of wat next ar. D then keep increasingat 8percent per year f the next 5 ars. T calcuon for me for the first year jum probably extra this next. At tnd of 6 years, it almost doles. Its going to hit probably th poor the wor and our senior citizensfixed incomes. We have a hard cision before us, but weeed to make it, unfortunately. A vote on the rate hik is set for march 7th. The will be an open hoe workshop beforthen to ar concerns from feed customers. Well let you know when thats scheduled. And you can cot on newfive to be thernext month when trustees make their final decision. Cong up. Find out why apple says they are fighting back against a court order toellock an acsed terrorists phe. Plus. A ow ofoe ov theorean pensa. Thus liry iflexing its muscles as tsions between the ums stks,,,,,,,,, ck bd play the americand thasplaying duringt years dead rrort attacks a ccert hall in paris. Has y ed f their cot wut short by the horrible en. Yesterday. E eagle death metal invirvivorfor thei comeba perfoance at a fferent in paris. Ich was puunder tigh security. Survivors we giv fre ticks by td, and pshologis re there thelp those attending. In all. 89 people died in e november 13 terrorist attack at the bataan conce hall. Fel judgordered apple mustelp thfbi to break into an iphone once ud byuspeed San Bernardino msacer shooter sy fark. Since decembers attk, vestigators ve not bee able to break thphes secuty features. New this morningapple saidt would appeal the ruling and says soware to circumvent the phones security. Th s it uld threaten customer surity. As weve reported. Ro and his wife Tashfeen Malik died in a shootout with police after ty reportedly ot andilled fourteen of farooks coworrst a holiday party. Four u. S. F22tealthighters flew low over south kea tod in a clr show of force nst north korea. A day after south koreas president warned of the rths collapse the splay of usir power comes amid a festeri standoff over north Koreas Nuclear and misse ambition a deputymander ss the ited states maintains it ironclad commitment to the dense of south korea military officials would not say deployed u. S. Surgeon general doctor vivek murthy is in flint. To hear about how residents are being effeedthe water crisis. More than twhundred people packed inse a flinchurcho quesons. The ctor says e s arwoing. And doesnt bve flint water is theause othe legionnaires outbreak. Federal resources are ready being provid. But thdoct ss mo needs to be done. A lot of helis on the way and has already arrivein flint. Not to s inearly enough we ve to do a lot more to get flint ck to the place where the wate se for everyo to drink from the fauc thsurgeogeneral says he will do everying on his end to maksure flint has the resources it needs. E nters for disease control. Lso woing with local agenes to provide resours toflint. Take look at ts. Maive storm caught on security ceras in florida. You can see as thetronwinds blow arod uprooted trees. Plants and other debris. Check t how many limbs are lying on the pavement hind the wis re so strong that officis e investigating if a tornado touched down in the area. Parts of miami also suffered significandamage from the swee wds weather and trafc onhes. Chief morning meteorologist epn bowershe now wit t alert a reeathatch h b posted for nrlalhe news5 viewinarea for trsday. Strong win of 608mph combined wh ti humidity less than 10 and unseasonably warm temperares can combine to make conditions favoble for fires to begin and behave erratically during the day thursday today will be quiet. High pressure to the wt of us has been sloto move fothe better part ofhe last two weeks. A storm system over the Pacific Ocean wi moveaward and gi kick our high essu, y foino twd. R t wind will increase tomrow. Bility may be lower due to blowing dust. Driving n be diffilt. Stronger wind gusts y be daging. Temperatures this morning are in the 20s and 30s. Highs day will be the 60s and 70s. Passing clouds may occasionally filter the sun today. Teeres will warm throu the 30s an40d to the lower no temperatures will be nearing 60 aund colora spngs anmonument but well in t 60s aund eblond can city. Warming will continu and 60s an70s are likely this afternoon, especiallafter 2 pm. Will begin coolg agn by 5 pm with 50s and 60s cooling into is morng. Black is aped oe couroochr andenf late sreme courtusti e Court Tradition special ibute to scalia. The do lea into the marb courtroom also aped in black ol. Scalia sat to e right of chief justicjo roberts which is the at given to the senior justice. As weve been reporting. Scalia died saturday at age 79. The search for scalias replacemt is srring upot ofontroversy from president ial hopefuls. And thats likely to be big topic of discussion inonights gop candidate halls in soh calina msbc wi hbacko back prime Time Specials with naldrump and ogo john kasicstarting at pm our time. The other three candidates. Ben carson. Ted. And rco rubio will ao apar in a town hall hosted by cnn d morated by anderson cooper. That starts atpm our time. Tomorrow nightnn will host a diussion with trp, kasic and jeb bush. We will be right back th the fi things you need to know and lets check in with savann guerie. To s what they are worki on. Fothe dashow. Its almost 00. Here are t fivthin to know before you go. A fire weather watch is in effect for thursday dry conditions and song winds head forur area. Right now are at a derate fire danger because ofncreased tempature and e high amounts of fe, d fules on the ground. For tips on how to prote your home. Here a the five thin to know before you go. A fire weather watch is effect for thursy as dry conditions and strong winds head for our. Right now we are at a mora fi danger because of increas temperature and the high amounts of fine, dry fules on the ground. For tips on how to ptect your home. Gokoaa dot com today. Trial et tgin fothe won accused of cuttina strangers unborn ba from her womb. 35 year old dynel lane is charged with attempted first degree murder. And unlawful termination of pregnanc. Lane hleaded not guilty. But her lawyers have not revealed much else about her defense. Da. Th man. Yearolhristopher rad will be sentenced for felony chaes of sexual asslt against childre the el paso coty sriffs office arrested rader la july. And based on statemes. Thities believe there may be additional vic. If you know someone who may have been a victim. Youre asked to coact the el so county shifffi. The judge overseeing the planned parenthood shooting case. Sti png to keep docunts in the case sealed. Judge gilbert rtinez is asng the supreme courto hold hisuling. Denying media access to sealed documents. Several news outlets petitione the gh court. Demanding the to unseal veral documents related to the er 27th shting. A 24milstrech oi70 remai closed because of a rockslid. And dot doesnt pectoa t at least. Thslide happened my night gut 125 s eastf the ut border. The highway is shutdown from Glenwood Springs to gypsumand the or detour adds nearly 0 s to the trislide damaged a truckbut none was injured. Wer d trfionhe 5 chief moing meteorogist stephebo is re now w rst alert 5. A fire weather wat has been poed forrly all he news5 viewg orhursday. Strong win600 mph combined with retive h ssha10and unsely emperares cacoine to ma conditions favorable for fire begin and behave erratically during the d thursday. Day will be quiet. Highressure to the wof us has been slow me for the better part of t lastw weeks. A storsystver the Pacific Ocean will moveastward and give a kick to our hh pressure, finally foing ito move eastwd. In respons the wind will increase tomorrow. Visibility may be lower due to blowing dust. Driving can be difficult. Stronger wind gusts may be daging. The s and 30 hightodawille in t 60s d 70 passing clouds may occasnally filterhe sun tay temperatures will warm throu the 30s and 40s d to theow 50s by 10 am. No temperatures will be ne60 around Colorado Springs and monument butell into the 60s around pueblo and can ci. Warming will continue, and 60s and 70s are ly t afternoon, eecially after 2 pm. We wl beoling agn by 5 pm with 50s and 60s cooling into the midd and upper 40s by 10 com all dawell back with youloca goo good good morning. The versus the tecgiant. Appl ceo vows fht a dges ord fcing it to hk into o of than berino s. Is theompany ming a strong stand forhe customer or making hardor Law Enforcement to keep safe the presintial candidates brawl in south carina ead of saturds primary. Even the preside gets on the action. Mr. Trump wil not be president. Its not hosting a talk show or a reality show. Nd donald umquick to respon oure lucky i didnt run last te when romney ran because you would have been a oneterm presidt. Ew thi rning, fre pls from sth colina a neva, th the voting just three days away. Well hear from m um when he jns us live. I a rare expression of anger, pope francis visibly frustrat,cog e owersugging on h arm, ushi over man in a wheelchair. And its aog beats d d. Best in shonit in 2016s e germanorthaired poinr. C. J. Tcs the tlt show a t fed wtmin ke dlueatiut re tha dogs to he h 17th,. Annou ancer from nbc news, this is today with matt lauer and Savannah Guthrie live from stio in ckelr a. Good rnin everyby, welcome on a wedne rn wee willie in for matt. A l to tal about today. Well talk to trump t in a few minute hes ting fire in this campgn a sitngpresidt. A his riva. Lots toalk aut in potics, eshls as ll. Op stor theaj owdo bween feral vernment and ple, ts a ape decne t give accso crted conntn san bernarno shooter syed farooks phon now, a federal judge has ruled thchiant must the recor that potentially dangerou data federal off say the ipne m be key to explaing

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