Airborne Lidar bathymetry (ALB) is a modern measurement technology for obtaining rapid depth measurements in shallow underwater environments. The tech.
The ranking is based on new research that analysed review data of hundreds of beaches around the world that permit nude sunbathing. Here are the findings.
Kinga Dębska będzie miała swoją gwiazdę na Piotrkowskiej - - Reżyserka i scenarzystka kinowego hitu "Moje córki krowy" Kinga Dębska zostanie uhonorowana gwiazdą w Łódzkiej Alei Gwiazd na ul. Piotrkowskiej. Jej odsłonięcie nastąpi 14
year. we ll have the full forecast fom lonnie quinn in jus moment, but adriana diaz leads us off from chicago s busy o hare airport. adriana, good evening. reporter: good evening. grah this checkpoint has been pretty full the past few hours prd it s just day one of t.s.a. s holiday travel season. this week they expect to break pee record for the busiest day of u.s. air travel in history. weather will be a factor both in the air and on the roads. lrowy weather is already causing erief and white knuckles on highways in colorado. daniele chefir slid into a ditch. this morning, getting to work was really terrifying. reporter: more than 49 million people will hit the road for thanksgiving, and some l b,000 cars will break down. that s according to aaa. it s no wonder, then, that more americans than ever are opting to fly. according to the t.s.a., a record-breaking 26.8 million