Argentine President Javier Milei took center stage Wednesday at Buenos Aires iconic Luna Park stadium to booth launch his latest book and sing a song from the local band La Renga. The unusual move was supported by his die-hard teenage followers and criticized by the rest of society going through an economic crisis that reminds older people of 1989 and 2001.
The bowler-hatted, suit-wearing and brolly-wielding city gent is a British stereotype, and now the symbol of a bygone era, when respectability and conformity was highly valued. As society has evolved and become more fluid and less status-conscious, dress codes have been adapted and increasingly casual dress, even amongst city workers, has become the norm.
I have listened to the oral arguments and have considered this entire 14th Amendment nonsense. Some have tried to argue that it is self-executing, meaning
COMMENT: Marty: You are very good at law. It looks to me that the DOJ is protecting Biden. When you look at the nine-count tax fraud indictment against
QUESTION: Is it true that Lincoln suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus, and when the Supreme Court ruled against him, he just ignored them? Didn't this also