Argentine President Javier Milei took center stage Wednesday at Buenos Aires iconic Luna Park stadium to booth launch his latest book and sing a song from the local band La Renga. The unusual move was supported by his die-hard teenage followers and criticized by the rest of society going through an economic crisis that reminds older people of 1989 and 2001.
I hope I’m wrong, but I think I just saw the future of America if Republicans manage to sweep the 2024 elections, Trump or no Trump.Argentina just embarked on a Grand Experiment, untried before in any developed country in the world; it’s one that multiple American billionaires have been pushing in t.
The Libertad y Democracia Group of center-rightwing leaders gathered in Buenos Aires Friday to express its support to opposition candidate Patricia Bullrich of Juntos por el Cambio (JxC) of former President Mauricio Macri, who co-chaired the event The ideas of freedom in the politics of the future with Chile s Sebastián Piñera.
Laura Ebke writes to the LNC: Madame Chair and Colleagues, Although my term would come to a close shortly, anyway, please consider this my immediate resignation. I am embarrassed. Watching the livestream has been bad enough. Watching a former Congressman giving the keynote address while 6 people wander around behind him is an embarrassment. That